The snow tiger

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Mirror stepped forward into the moonlit grounds. She paused as a larger tiger followed, who then pressed his muzzle into her hand.

"I see you came" she turned to look into his dazzling amber eyes. he looked up at her whilst his body began to shift into a human.

"No need for the formality Mirror."

"What do you want," mirror growled her blue eyes flickering with fear. "I have said about a thousand times now that I never want to see you again. I don't even know your name!"

"Its toren sweetie."

Mirror punched him. "Don't you dare call me sweetie, I thank you and I never want to see you again." With that she stormed off without sparing a second to glance back. She heated a faint growl behind her but nothing more.

*17 years earlier*

Mirror looked at her striped paws. they seemed so huge, especially for a tiger her size, well a shifter her size. Suddenly a paw cuffed her ear and she turned to see her brother ash. he was like a mirror age or her, hence her name, but he was a little bigger. Mirrors family where all snow tigers, a part of a huge group of rouges. She was still in the little den. * little den means nursery* this was where she would stay until she could shift into her human form.

"Mirror! Mirror! come quickly! its storm! he's shifted!" ash cried out whilst prodding her with a paw. Storm was their older brother, but you wouldn't tell by looking at him. Mirror rushed out and was shocked to see storm now. he was a tall boy with golden hair and icy blue eyes. mirrors mother sky was purring loudly before turning to ash and mirror,

"Your father would be so proud, storm always did look just like him.

The cubs father lightning had been one of the most well respected members of the group and was also one of the strongest. he had died whilst fighting away sun tigers, who are known for their flame coloured fur. now the entire group expected his cubs to follow in his footsteps. storm shifted back into a tiger, much to mirrors relief. when a tiger shifts for the first time they can sometimes have trouble shifting back.

Storm looked at them smugly and mirror geared ash growl next to her.

"Aww has ashy washy not shifted yet?" storm purred in his most innocent voice.

"Shut up storm, leave him alone. Fern padded up beside then

"Wow storm, that was amazing!" Even though she was angry mirror still purred in amusement. Ferns affection for storm was no seacret, she had been following him around the camp for months now.

"Come on" ash growled as he spun around to go back into the little den.

*Ash POV*

How dare he, ash thought as he pushed through the entrance of the little den. Storm was always being so obnoxious and anoying. For once couldn't he be a little less stupid. Mirror padded into the den after him and pushed her nose into his shoulder and purred softly.

Suddenly a loud roar erupted from the entrance of the camp. ash span around and rushed out of the den mirror following closely behind.

*Mirror POV*

Mirror ran out the den after her brother and stood astounded. Thunder, the leader of the snow tiger group was facing off with scratch, the leader of the sun tiger group. at least 9 other tigers where behind him, their eyes hungry for battle.

"What do you want Scratch" thunder growled un sheathing his claws.

"You should know better than to try and attack us, or have you forgotten the last battle?"

Scratch took a step forward, and opened his mouth to speak.

"I am well aware of what happened last time we fought, but unlike your 'group' we have actually improved our fighting skills." With that the large orange tiger lurched at Thunder with his claws extended.

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