Chapter two

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Mirror POV

Mirror gasped as she saw scratch leap at thunder, and as her muscles froze she felt Sky's muzzle press into her flank,

"Run" she cried shoving mirror and ash into the little den. Sky turned and called to storm.

"Come on, get in here Storm!" Storm looked torn for a few seconds before shaking his head and spinning into battle.

"NO" Sky cried, before Harley pushed her into the den and dragged the thorn barrier over the entrance to the small shelter. Mirror opened her eyes wider as she looked at her grief stricken mother, but she did feel a bit in awe of her brother. How brave did you need to be to go into a battle like that!


Ash stared at his brother as he disappeared into the fray of battle.

"No" Sky said more quietly as she turned to her cubs. Ash's legs felt weak as he looked into his sisters and mothers eyes, both hollow with grief. Mirror had always been better at understanding emotions than her brother, often leading to her being considered he older and more responsible. ash felt the familiar jealousy pangs that he felt normally. He had never been able to show his feelings, and now that storm had shifted and was fighting in battles that he would never get. He wasn't a shifter.

*one night earlier*

Ash yawned and opened his eyes into the darkness of the little den. he blinked, trying to push away some of his weary ness. a shining light in the corner of his eye attracted his attention and to his disbelief his father was standing there!

"Father?" ash spoke breaking the deafening silence in the empty den. "a-am I-i-I dead?" he stuttered. lightning shook his head and opened his mouth to speak.

"I have something to tell you, and it may be hard to take in but you have to understand this!"

"What is it?" ash asked, staring at lightning with large confused eyes. lightning sighed and began to tell ash a story.

"Long ago there where many tigers in both groups who where enemy's with each other, just as we we today, but there where also several who would fall in love. Each year they would meet as frequently as possible and many eventually found that they where expecting cubs."

Ash turned to his father. what does this have to do with me he wondered. lightning looked at his son, and continued.

"After they had cubs, their ancestors where frowned upon, and all the dead shifters whole curse their family's. Every generation there would be two cubs in each litter. one who would have shifting powers, the other wouldn't."

Shock ran cold through ashes veins as he realised what this ment.

"I don't have powers do I?" he growled sadly. confusion rushed over him, "who caused this?" he asked, hiding his anger. he was normall.

"My great, great, great grandmother." he said sadly. his ears pricked up slightly, "although in your litter there was a exception.

Confused for a moment ashes eyes darted back and forth trying to think why his litter would be any different and then it hit him. Storm.

Even though storm was several years older than him, he had been born as a single cub, and was also mirror hand ashes brother.

"Storm!" he said.

Lightning looked at his son.

"This time there was a bit of a difference. a Great War is coming, and only a mirror can reflect the evil." is voice changed and was now much more serious.

"So by that do you mean that only my sister can stop this?" ash gasped in amazement. what would he tell her, when would he have the chance, would she believe him? ash felt embarrassed and ashamed, he was letting his whole family down.

Lightning rubbed his muzzle on ashes flank, looking at him with a sympathy that only made he empty feeling in ash bigger.

"It's all right ash, nobody will mind. they wont Judge you for something you cant do and didn't start" he said in a comforting way. "you will tell her soon but not now. you will know when you should, but you can't tell anyone else until then, ok." ash nodded. lightning purred softly and then faded away.

I know its really unclear so here are the alligences for both of the groups:

Snow tiger's:

Male Leader- Thunder

2nd in command-Stone

3rd in command-Thistle

Female Leader-Holly

2nd in command-Harley

3rd in command-Bird


Group members:




Karjac-boy(pronounced kar-j-ak)



Mothers and cubs:

Sky-mate lightning-cubs mirror, ash (and storm older litter)

Fire tigers:

Male leader-Scratch

2nd in command-losner

3rd in command-toble

Female leader-Sasha

2nd in command-flower

3rd in command-susie


Group members:


Ujurak-boy(pronounced oo-jer-ak)



Klik-girl(pronounced as spelt)


Mothers and cubs:

Millie- mate losner-cubs flick and parrot.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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