Chapter 1: First Detention With Him

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Noah: Millie

Millie: Oh Noah! What's up?

Noah: well . . . i got my first detention today . . .

Millie: WHAT?!?

Noah: look i'll explain everything later

Millie: oh yes boy, you have plenty to explain

Noah: welp, cya Mills

Millie: *mentally face palms self* oh my gosh, bye Noah, and look out for Finn.

Noah closed his phone down and sighed, walking to detention. He knew exactly who she was warning him about. Finn Wolfhard, the fuckboy of the school. 

The Womanizer

He had encountered Finn once or twice, but he never actually made contact verbally. It would end up with him covered in bruises. As he entered the detention class, of course he saw Finn there, on his phone.

Noah rolled his eyes and sat down next to him even though the whole room was empty. 

Finn didn't care until the teacher got his attention, "Finn Wolfhard, put that away before i confiscate it myself." Finn rolled his eyes, "english Miss." She growled, "put it away before i TAKE it myself."

He smiled and put it in his bag, "there you go Miss." She just looked at him sternly then at Noah, "well this is unexpected Mr Schnapp . . ."

Noah shrugged, "yeah, but not everyone can be perfect." Then Finn looks at him, "but technically all the teachers think you are." Noah rolled his eyes, "yeah, well at least i'm not like you."

Finn smiled, "awe you notice me princess." Then he winked at Noah. That idiot winked at him, and Noah's face was glowing bright red. It was a first time for him. "Mr Wolfhard, Mr Schnapp, stop talking."

"Yes Ma'am."


Noah looked at his phone and was about to text Millie about what happened in detention when his phone buzzed.

Hey Princess ;)

Noah's eyes went wide, "how the fuck--" Then he added Finn to his contacts and texted him back.

Finn: Hey Princess ;)

Noah: How the fuck do you know my number?

Finn: I may have gotten it from a friend or two

Noah: your creepy

Finn: and your beautiful

Noah hid his cheeks in his scarf as he kept walking home.

Noah: Finn, are you serious?

Finn: Dead

Noah: What do you want?

Finn: You know the reading assessment?

Noah: Yeah? . . .

Finn: i was hoping we could study together or something

Noah: oh boy . . . Finn if i studied with you my grades would drop

Finn: that's the thing though, i need to do this or my parents will KILL me

Noah: . . . why is it my concern?

Finn: Because. I know you care

Noah: i would rather drink bleach

Finn: Aw your no fun princess

Noah: . . .

Noah: where would we meet anyways?

Finn: at my house, you know where i live?

Noah: uh, everyone does Finn.

Finn: okay then, see you in 10 i guess?

Noah had just put his hand on the handle of his front door when he saw the text Finn had given him. Was he actually considering this? Yes, yes he was. 

Noah: fuck it, i'll be over

Then he started heading right over to Finn's house ignoring the weight on his back by his bag. But as he walked, some snow started falling and he looked up, the snowflakes were beautiful. He loved seeing them during the day because of how sometimes they would glitter in the sun.

As Noah got deeper into the street, he could see and hear older teenagers probably just walking home from school just as he was. Then he was at Finn's house. His stomach tied into a knot as he knocked on the door.

The door opened and Finn smiled, "hey princess."

Noah groaned and hid his blush from the taller boy, "seriously Finn, stop calling me that . . ." Finn smirked and brought Noah inside and upstairs into his bedroom. "You can sit on my bed, i'm just gonna get my computer."

Noah put his scarf in his bag which he put on the floor next to him, getting his reading assessment sheet out. Finn came out with his computer and reading book, sitting down next to Noah.


"Okay, so if that's the last word we're gonna use for that sentence, then the last one would have to be . . ." Noah said, writing it in own reading book. Finn paid close attention, "i think it would have to be extravagant?" 

Noah nodded, "exactly." So he wrote it down in the book as Finn closed the computer's lid down. "Uh Finn? What are you doing?" Finn rolled his eyes, "we're done for the day princess." Noah chuckled, "i didn't realize."

"There are many things you don't realize." Noah looked at Finn, "like what?" Finn smirked with a confident smile  "like how much i think of you." 

Noah looked at Finn with a caring and soft gaze, "y-you do?" Finn nodded then hopped back on the bed. "Yeah . . . More than i actually should . . ." Noah then just blurted out, "well kiss me then pretty boy."

Finn then smiled even wider at him, "with pleasure princess."

He crawled over to Noah and looked at his face, the freckle near his top lip, his brown eyes, brown hazel like hair, pale skin. Finn admired this about him before sitting in his lap and taking his face in his hands and breaking the space between them.

Noah closed his eyes and put his hands on Finn's thighs.

Finn leaned in forcefully, so now Noah was pushed to the wall and their fingers were intertwined together. They both made it even more intense by using their tongues. It would of never ended, in fact, they didn't want it to end.

Finn knew this was better than any girl he's ever kissed.

Then they broke off for air and Finn climbed off of him, "so how was that princess?" Noah just looked at him thumbs, twitching them, "i-it's was alright . . . i g-guess." Finn tilted his head, "you guess?" 

Noah shook his head, "anyways, i better get home because we're finished here. Cya Finn." Finn said goodbye as Noah got his bag and packed his stuff up, leaving. Noah left the house, walking back to his own and ignoring his scarf in his bag.

As he entered his house, walking into his bedroom and closing the door, his phone buzzed.

Finn: are you okay princess?

Womanizer (Finn Wolfhard x Noah Schnapp)Where stories live. Discover now