"Is there anyone special?"

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Chapter Nine

Seongwoo stare down at his nephew on his lap while poking his chubby cheeks.

"You're such a cute little pou aren't you?" He asked making Jun giggle while looking back at him.

"Oh yes.. You like being a pou eh?" He asked while chuckling.

He put his arm around Jun's back for support before turning to his brother in law who's looking at a certain area of their library looking for a book.

"Hyung-nim are you sure you're going to work tomorrow? What about noona's birthday?" He asked making the older man looking towards him.

"It's not like it was my choice Seongwoo-ya. It was scheduled a month before" His brother in law, Minhyun answer while grabbing a book from the shelf.

"But it was not like noona's birthday only decided this month too. You could have declined the schedule for her? You know when her birthday is. And you've been celebrating with her for the past five years" Seongwoo let out a sigh, thinking about her sister's life.

This time, Minhyun walks to him with his book on his hand.

"What's with your sudden concern?" He ask before taking Jun from the younger man's arm.

Seongwoo looks away, avoiding his gaze.

"I've always this concern. Out of all people noona is the closest one to me in this house."

"Since she's your blood related sister" Minhyun mumbles as if he didn't want Seongwoo to hear properly.

"what?" Seongwoo raised his eyebrow looking at his brother in law.

"Nothing" Minhyun began walking towards the door.

Seongwoo doesn't like it when his brother in law barely hangs out with his sister. He doesn't like it when Minhyun barely open up about feelings, neither does he smile a lot nor laugh unless it's about his son.

He doesn't like it when he can see himself being exactly like that to his family in future as well.

Seongwoo walks out the library as well and went to the kitchen when he saw her mother having a tea.

"Eomma" He greeted.

"Ohh Seongwoo-ya. Come seat and have a tea with eomma" His mother calls out in a calm and motherly way.

He kept his head low and walks to her.

"Thank you" He quietly thanked her as he watched her pour some tea on another cup for him.

His mother isn't as cold as his father but since Seongwoo naturally quite, he doesn't get along either. Only his sister who's he's naturally closed to. That's only because she keeps bother him a lot.

He always wonder if his mother is happy with his father. He had never really listen to their love story.

"Uh..." He began.

"Eomma." He stretch his neck, looking at her mother's calm face.

"Were you and appa in fixed marriage as well?" He asked while holding the cup very tight, afraid if he had ask the wrong question.

To his surprise, his mother let out a huge smile and place down the cup next to the newspaper.

"Why are you suddenly curious?"

Seongwoo doesn't know to answer. He doesn't know why he behave this way. It is Sunday. He should be in his room all day, doing his school project and so.

He clear his throat, trying to come up with a nice excuse.

"Well just.. i'm just curious. or maybe trying to make a conversation since this is my first time having a tea with you since last time" He explain.

"Is that so" His mother calmly replied.

Seongwoo just nodded his head.

"Well you could say but at the same time your father also pursed me" His mother giggle.

Seongwoo on the other hand, let out a small smile, looking at her mother.

"We were just lucky. We were childhood friends" She answer the young man's question.

"Really?" Seongwoo quite surprised hearing 'love' in the story.

He can't really imagine his father being that way.

"We've known each other since we were very young. I'm your father first puppy love" Mrs.Ong began telling her story with her full smile on her face.

It must be in her tea. Seongwoo thought while looking at her.

"Your father is just like you, both has a very strong personality. It is really hard to get his attention, it is almost imposible even after he confessed to eomma. But since it is his nature, i can't just gave up, isn't it? Afterall i'm his fiancee at that time. After we fought a lot, your grandparents decided to marry us. As simple as that".  

"So you both in a fixed marriage but at the same time in love with each other?" Seongwoo ask in surprise.

Maybe this is why his parents makes his sister in fixed marriage as well, because they believe everyone story will be as same as them.

Her mother nodded her head before taking a sip of her tea.

"Hello, dear. Do you want to have a tea with me and our maknae?" Mrs.Ong suddenly offer as Mr.Ong busy looking down on his phone before taking a glass of water.

"Later honey. I'll be in my office. And Seongwoo-ya why aren't you studying? Go study. You can drink tea while studying" He briefly say, taking his glass and walk straight to the stairs.

When the two were left together, Seongwoo looks back at her mother.

"I should going back to my room as well. Thank you eomma for the tea". He put the cup down and bow his head.

He was about to walk away when he felt a hand grab his wrist.

"Is there anyone special in our maknae's mind?" She asks knowingly.

"No no. Of course no. Absoloutely no one. Don't worry eomma" He defends right away before bowing his head back to her and walk straight to his room.

He leans on his bedroom door as soon as he close it.

He didn't know why he was flustered when her mother questioned him. He didn't know why he suddenly nervous yet he didn't even have anyone special at the moment.

But there's something that he must admit. He sees Sena's face on his mind as an answer to his mother question.

Now Seongwoo felt that he's in a big trouble than ever.


ps: hye i'm back everyone!!

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