As soon as you walked into you shared apartment you would go straigh to Luke and hug him tight. He would, of course, hug you back and ask you why you are upset. When you have told him you would cuddle all day.
When you're upset you would ignore everyone, even Michael. You would lie in bed and be grumpy. Michael would try talk to you and when you're not answering him he would tickle you until you tell him why you are upset.
First thing he would do is to ask you once whats wrong and when you snapped a '' nothing '' to him he would walk away. Ashton would just let you be alone until you want to tell you why you are upset, he don't want to push you. After a while you will be sorry for snapping at him and walk up to him apologize and tell him what's wrong.
Calum would ask you nicely one time what's wrong, but of course being the stubborn person you are you would just ignore him. When you don't answer him he would try to make you laugh. When you finally told him why you're upset he would take you out for walk and get you on different thoughts.
Omg, it's so bad. :(