Sophie Elizabeth Victoria Hudkins, also known as the Princess Sophie of the kingdom Abylle is the heir of their throne. She is kind, sweet, responsible, and most of all beautiful.
Every princess's stories always ends with "and they lived happily eve...
Chapter 4: Palace Tour Setting: Abylle Palace Recap: Princess Sophie was dumbfounded when Prince Troy confirmed that she saw her by crashing his lips into hers. The Queen of Abylle also commanded Princess Sophie to give Prince Troy a tour.
I look at the time at it's already 9, wait, did i just actually spend my precious 30 minutes contemplating on what Prince Troy did?
Well, no to time to waste then. I hurriedly run towards my closet and I think again
What should I wear? It's not like i do this oftenly, I only have a few casual clothes since being a legit princess is expected to dress formally.
Besides, it's just a tour. What could possibly go wrong?
I finally decide to just pick random clothes and wear it. What? It's not like I have much time
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I don't look bad myself. Good skills, hands.
I open my make up bag and start to re touch my make up. I just need to add some concealer and a lipstick then there we go.
I open the last drawer of my vanity, I wonder what's in here. I tend to forget things and I'm not sure if it's a great idea to open this but curiosity kills the cat.
I feel all the blood drain from my face.
Ohmygod, why??? Inallofthesedays, whynow?
It was a picture of Cole and I. Cole was my best friend. Note the word: WAS. We were inseparable, and he would go to the palace everyday just to play with me. He sometimes brings his toys with him and we would play together. And as cliché as it is, I fell in love with him.
I confessed to him when we were 14. I thought that he will freak out and leave me but he just smiles and then things happened and I became his girlfriend.
Our relationship went well until he broke my heart. He impregnated a cheerleader and decided to leave me for them, yes, you heard it right, HEIMPREGNATEDA CHEERLEADER. I was so heartbroken and devastated. Every night I would pour out all my tears and eventually just sleep on the cold tiled floor. Yep, that's how truly I was in love with him. It actually took me a year to move on. All of our connections were cut off, and I never heard a single thing from him eagain.
And from that day on, I promised myself not to stupidly fall in love again, but I still believe in true love. Well, it's been 4 years since that happened so let us all move on, shall we?
So, it actually took me for only 45 minutes, I just beat my record, it was from 1 hour and then I just recently beat it! I'm so happy, I finally figured out how this "TIME MANAGEMENT" works.