Ally? 2pt

777 17 2

Skylar POV
Zzzz * wakes up* ......" Huh what time is it "
* looks at clock " *IT'S 8:35 ..... IM GOING TO BE LATE !!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~at the school~~~~~~~~~~~
*walk down the hallway *
* see ally*

..... * gasps *

" ALLY !!!" .....
"Oh it's you...."
"..... will it's obvious that you don't want to talk me so never mind...."
" OH WOW you noticed and yes I don't "
"...Will baiii..."
———————after the conversation—————

Still skylar POV

Is that funneh oh it is

No one POV
S:"Hey funneh "
F:"Mm ?"
S: "Do u have crush?"
F:"..... will ya but I want to know yours first "
S:"Oh will heh I like this boy named.... a ...Alex ..... anddddd who  ur crush  "
F:"  will I .......D ....... Dra- OH HAI DRACO "
S:"Mmm oh hi draco"
D:"Hai what are you guys doing?"
F:" ..... nothing !!!!! Ummm I HAVE TO GO HEH.."
D: "umm okay?"

Draco POV

What? ... is she mad because I want cake ?!?!, ...Oh will I kinda like that girl she funneh ( see what I did there :3 ) and she nice  so it not that so ya "ya I have class bye skylar " " bye"

Lunar POV

Zzzzzzz *wakes up * " ... huh what time is it ....... oh it 12:36 " ..... " WAIT What " *jumped out of bed*

——————————at school—————————

Still lunar POV

Huh is that ally?? ....Isn't it time for her class to start??? Wait is she Blushing  * looks at what she is blushing at* :0 is that even.... will I'm going to say hi..

No one POV
L : Hai
A: MMm can u see I'm Bu- lunar?! I thought you moved?
L: will ya I did but I'm  back
A: oh that cool
L : ... I was wondering why were you looking at even~~?
A: ..... *whispers in lunar ear* will I kinda like him
A: .. ya
Out of nowhere Evan comes and says hi
E: hai ally and lunar
L: hello Evan
A:... h..hi ...Evan
E: are u okay ally?
A: ...y..ya I'm fine
E: and lunar u are late
L: Ik
E: will bye I have class
L & A : Bai!
————————-after school———————
Ally POV

"... I have to pick up max bye lunar"  " bye "

* went and got him *
M: HAI sister
A: hey
M: can we get pizza
A: no
M: But .....fine you butt ...
A : ... you are ....

I WROTE 389  words now will u be proud of me !!!!IShipAll4Life

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