Chapter 28

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When April finished changing, she got out of the bathroom and was met with Phil's face. 'April, where are you going?' he asked, he was so scared that she would leave him again, April didn't answer him and went to their room to get her phone, wallet and keys. She would just tell Eve or Randy to come and bring the rest of her stuff. 'April, please!' Phil yelled, 'I'm leaving! I don't want to be near you!' April yelled back. 'April, don't let us fight on something this stupid!' Phil said, 'Having a future is not a stupid thing! You should have concentrated about how to talk with manners in school!' April said and went inside their room. 'I know how to talk with manners! You're going to lose me and everything for a stupid thing!' Phil couldn't stop yelling that it was a stupid thing to think about commitment. April stood still in the middle of the room, not moving. She slowly turned around, 'I am not going to lose anything. You are the one who is losing, right now. You are going to die in a gutter without me. Don't you get it? You love me and now I am leaving you, you are done as soon as I walk out of that door!' April yelled the last part, 'I don't love you! I don't know why the hell I made such an effort to get you back because sweetheart, you're just not worth it.' Phil said, April was listening to every single word he was saying, she just wanted to kill him and then cry. She didn't want to believe anything that he said, considering she had sacrificed lots of things for him. Phil stood still while staring at April, he couldn't read her anymore. Her eyes had no emotion, they had no spark and no tears. Her face wasn't read and wasn't pale, it had the normal colour, her tanned skin. April slowly started to move to the commode and got her phone, wallet and keys. She won't cry in front of him. No, she wanted to cry in her apartment, alone. She slowly started walking out of the room, down the stairs and finally she reached the door. She practically ran towards it, opened it and sprinted out of the entire house. On the other hand, Phil couldn't believe that he had just said that. It was the exact same words, he said the same things to her in their second break up at college. He slowly walked to the bed and sat on it, trying not to cry.

*I'm thinking to make a year pass or something, what do you think?

•ND <3

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