Chapter 1

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She narrowed her eyes at the idiot in front standing in front of her.



He shrugged, completely unaffected by her heated glare. "No."


"I mean it Lyn, no."

She scowled at her older brother. "Yes."


"Jace, I swear-"

Someone coughed.

Both heads snapped to the male leaning against the door. Lyn couldn't help but smirk, it was Tyrone Ryder. The Alpha of the pack. He was gorgeous. A mop of dark hair adorned his head, contrasting against his smouldering blue eyes. A smirk played on his full lips, the faint outline a dimple could be seen. He was dressed head to toe in black, his favourite colour. His tight black t-shirt contrasted heavily against his fair skin but emphasised on his solid build, broad chest and muscled biceps. Lyn's eyes wondered to his forearms, strong and -

Tyrone coughed again, effectively snapping her back to reality.

The argument at hand, right.

"Ryder..." she stretched out the last syllable as she made her way towards him.

Lyn wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her chin on his chest as she looked up into his eyes, pouting slightly. Tyrone returned the hug, lightly wrapping one of his arms around her.

"Yes, Lyn?" He responded, his voice overly sweet.

She fluttered her eyes at him. "Jace is being mean to me."

Tyrone raised an eyebrow, sparing a glance at the protesting boy in question. "Is he now?"

"Mm hm." Lyn pouted. "He isn't letting me go to Avery's party."

"Avery is having a party?"

"Yup! It's invitation only so of you don't have one, you can't come." She stuck her tongue out at him.

If it was anyone else he would have flipped, but she knew that she could get away with it.

He pushed her to arms length. "Really, now?"

"...Yes?" She asked hesitantly.

Tyrone's smirk widened, almost stretching into a small smile. They both knew for a fact that he could go to the party, invitation or not.

Lyn chose to ignore that, instead she focused on the way his blue eyes had lit up in amusement. Gone was the cold, heartless Alpha that the world knew him to be. Instead, she saw Ryder. Her Ryder. Her heart skipped a beat and her breath caught in her throat - she loved him. Lyn loved him. It didn't matter that he wasn't the one she was destined to be with, all that mattered was the fact that she loved him.

"Lyn!" Jace called.

She snapped out it, shaking her head to get rid of the thoughts. "Yes?"

Her brother was smiling smugly. "Didn't you hear the news?"

Confusion filled her. "What news?"

"We have oversea training for the next few months."

"What?" She gapes at Ryder. "But we've just come back, it's barely been a week!"

"I know," He runs a hand through his hair, making it stick up in every direction possible. "We need to go though. A pack member has died and it's going to take a toll on everyone there, they need help."

Lyn sighs. Damn him and his decency.

"What pack?" She asks begrudgingly.

"River Song."

Her blood freezes.

"Are you okay?" Ryder narrow his eyes at her, concern written all over his face.

"That's my old pack." It's barely a whisper, yet both boys hear it and rush over to her.

Jace lets out a snarl. " I'll kill them all."

Tears fill her eyes but she blinks them back. Lyn opens her mouth to protest but the lump in her throat doesn't allow words to escape. She shakes her instead.

"We're not going." Jace tells Ryder, a tone of finality in his voice.

This decision isn't up for arguments.

Ryder nods, understanding and anger the only two emotions apparent on his face. "Thats fine, I'll let them know that know we can't make it."

"What?'' Lyn manages to whisper, eyes filled with unshed tears. "All of us?"

He nods, no hesitation.

"For me?"

"They hurt you and you belong to my pack. It's my job to protect you." He says simply.

Her heart clenches. He really is a good Alpha.

"Who died?" she asks bravely.

Ryder exchanges a glance with Jace. They're debating on telling her or not, she knows it.

The Alpha finally utters a name, one that makes her heart pound and her stomach churn.

"Abel Miller."

Tears gather in her eyes, her face crumbles as a sob escapes from her lips.

Jace pulls her in for a hug and she cries into him, hands clutching his shirt. One hand is wrapped around her waist holding her steady, whilst the other slowly rubs her back in an attempt to be comforting. She clenches her eyes shut tight and for a second she forgets. It's no longer Jace holding her, it's him. Abel.

Her mind wonders back to the last hug Abel gave to her, the day that they left. "It's okay, cupcake, I'm here for you."

Lyn knows then, she has to go back.

To the place she once called home and the people she once called family.

She has to say goodbye.

[The photo above is of Lyn Burke at the present moment, aged 18]

Her Deepest Fear I The Sister SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now