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TaeHyung's POV
I heard Y/N's high-pitched scream and rushed to the sight, to find her staring at the clock. I turned and screamed as well. I had about five minutes to make it to the stadium, and get ready to go with the stage crew. Y/N hurriedly stood, grabbed my arm, and dragged me into my room. She threw me down and scavenged through my dresser, tearing out an outfit. It was a dress top with a tie and classical jeans. She then chucked the outfit at me.
"Get dressed!" She screeched while fleeing into her own room across the hall. I heard Kookie whining as she forced him out. When she mustered the strength to finally get him out, he plopped down as the door slammed in his face. He whined lightly, pawing at the door like a dog. I shouted something fowl at his action, lunging off of my bed and slapping the living shit out of him. He screeched loudly as his face turned red. I let out the same sound but with a crack as Y/N flung her door open. Her eye was twitching creepily and angrily. But the thing that made me crack was the fact she was shirtless.
"Stop. Staring. You. Pervert. And. Get. READY!" She screamed at me. I screamed back with fear and fled into my room, leaping onto the bed and burrowing under the covers. I heard Kook sniff quietly, remembering what I did. I slowly peeked my head from under the covers, my eyes technically popping out of my head. JungKook has shoved himself into Y/N, pinning her to the wall. Her eyes were shut tightly while she kept her head down. Time seemed to go in slow motion as he lifted her chin...

And kissed her. I didn't say a word because I knew my voice would crack. But anger boiled up inside me. Kook knew I liked Y/N, yet he still did that. I slowly stood from the bed and slammed my door so hard, it cracked in a few places. I tore my shirt from myself and forcefully pushed the other over myself, kicking off my jeans as I pulled up the other pair. I fixed the tie in the mirror while I had a face red as a tomato due to anger. I threw on a leather jacket and shoved my cracked door open to find out that Y/N had slipped down the wall, huffing. My fist twitched heavily as did my eye. I pushed her door open and took the black shirt from before and pushed it over her torso. I then took her by the wrist and dragged her to the door where Kook was waiting. I gave him a horrendous glare and he backed away, letting me kick the door open. I pushed Y/N into the car, hopped in the drivers seat and waited for Kook to get in. From there on, I was pissed at him, so I drove like someone who just was stolen from; pissed and completely blaming the mood on someone. In my case, Kook. Every time I checked on him with the mirror, he snapped his eyes away. The one time I turned to look at Y/N, she looked back with puffy eyes and lips. She had cried when Kook kissed her. My hands tightened on the wheel, forcing my knuckles to a ghostly white shade. When we were about to cross a bridge, I slammed the car to a stop. Look widened his eyes as he flew forward, hitting the back of my seat. I shoved my door open, swiftly opened Kook's, and grabbed him by the neck. He wheezed quietly as I choked the living hell out of him, dragging him from the car and to the side of the bridge. Which was over another road, may I add. His eyes filled with unshed tears, staring into mine, which were technically red with anger. His mouth dropped open to say something, but I tightened my grip before anything came out. Y/N flung onto my shoulder, forcing me to let go of Kook as I stumbled. Kook fell to the ground limply, obviously knocked out. Y/N forced my wrists above my head and tied them there with a strand of string. She then got me up and threw me in the backseat of the car. She struggled to lift Kook, but eventually did it and set him in the front seat. Taking her seat on the drivers side, she went on.

It was like she had feelings for him....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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