Ceremony of Welcoming

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Today is a special day.

After, years of training student, after student, after student..

I have found one worthy of joining me and my team in protecting our city.

Dusty, from Kaon, is one of my most successful students.

I made the circle of light so I could protect those I love

Axe joined my side because he was strategic in battle

Outrigger joined for his engineering skills and craft

Wing joined for his ability to teach others in a way I have never seen

Star Saber joined as my best friend, my right hand man. Now he stands in God's shadow. Unicron's domain.

Now Dusty joins my team, not as a friend, but as family for his calmness and attachment to the universe.

He joins me, as a swordsman, a teleporter, an autobot turning into one of us.

Now I, Dai Atlas, welcome a new brother

And those in Crystal City will welcome him as well

Welcome, to the Circle of Light Dusty

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