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*Present Day*
"You ever worn skinny jeans?" I question the man sitting in the drivers seat of this... whatever type of car this is.  "It seems wrong. I'm all bunched up. Also, why are jeans so tight when phones are so big? And the pockets! What is the point in having pockets so small?"

"I don't know what to tell you, pal." The driver says, clearly disinterested. I smirk, amused by his clear irritation. 

"Oh, God

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"Oh, God. I'm that girl, right? The one that won't shut up. Oh, I hate those girls. I just sat next to that girl on the plane. She was the worst." I explain, grinning when the driver lets out a long sigh.

"Hey, speaking of planes," I continue, leaning forward between the two front seats, "have you flown recently? Because what's with the whole liquid situation and the stripping before you go through security thing?" I question before furrowing my eyebrows. "It's weird."

"They're worried about terrorists." He deadpans. I'm sitting behind him but I know if I could see his face he just rolled his eyes. I decide to see how long I can keep this up.

"Ok. Well, I'm sorry, but the real terrorists are some of those people taking off their shoes."

I gaze out the window at the blur of trees passing by, the driver probably revelling in the few seconds silence, before I inevitably speak up again.

"I know I'm chatty. Sorry. I've just been in prison for awhile. Not like a regular prison, you know, more like a... "

"Alright. We're here." "Special kind of prison..." We both speak at the same time.

The driver pulls to a stop at the side of the road, trees surrounding us from both sides of the winding road. This can't be right.

"That will be 150." The driver states, not even bothering to turn around.

"Where are we? This isn't where I told you to go," I reply, confused.

"Yes it is. This is the exact spot on the map you showed me. Now pay up."

I shrug, figuring I'll find my way from here. The familiar tingling in my hands and feet tells me there's magic nearby, so I must be close. I start struggling to empty my pockets.

"All right. Jeans," I chuckle, "Uh, will you take this?" I ask, handing the driver a crumpled 10 dollar bill. "Hang on. Hang on. I got it. Oh. Hey. Gum. Nice." I comment before unravelling it and popping it in my mouth, throwing the crumpled wrapper out the open window.

"Come on, princess. I don't have all day, let's go."

"I got it. Hold on. Huh. Well... I guess this will do." I murmur, an idea springing to mind as I find my earbuds in my pocket.

Leaning forward I wrap the cord of the earbuds around the drivers neck and begin to pull them tight. He splutters and attempts to relieve the pressure against his neck but I'm much too strong for him. The man struggles for a while but eventually falls still. I listen to make sure he's dead before popping an earbud in his ear. Smiling at my handy work I grab the map on the front seat and the cash from his wallet before leaving the cab, beginning my journey towards the magic I can feel nearby.

"Thank you" I call out behind me as I walk away.

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