Chapter 1

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Toni plopped down on her new bed completely exhausted. She and her grandfather were finally moved in. They had moved from the trailer park on the Southside to a nicer home on the Northside. It was odd that such a small house was placed in a neighborhood with mansions. Sure it wasn't nice compared to the ritzy homes around it, but it could have been worse.

However, a large part of her missed the trailer park. It's where Sweet Pea and the rest of the gang lived. They had made some great memories there. She would missed being in walking distance of her serpent friends. Luckily she could still call or text. Sweet Pea and the gang didn't like venturing off to the Northside if they didn't have to.

Toni heard a knock on her door. "Come in!" She called scrolling through Instagram. "Hey sweetheart, I'm going to grab some dinner. Is there anything you want?"  Her grandfather stepped in. "I don't know. Take out?" Toni replied glumly. "Alright." He grandfather replied. Before he stepped out he turned around giving her one last glance. "I know you're upset about the move, but you'll realize eventually that it was for the best. I want you to have the opportunities." He told her before leaving.

Toni pondered on this thought for a minute. That is until she heard the sound of music coming from outside. Whoever it was, was blaring Cherry by Lana Del Rey. Toni was familiar with her music so she was able to recognize it quickly.

Toni stuck her head out the window, following the sound to a cherry red convertible. She saw a gorgeous redhead with hair that cascaded down her shoulders through a red sun hat. She wore a short white 1950s dress with red classes eyed sunglasses. Toni felt her heart skip a beat.

The girl was absolutely beautiful. Toni didn't realize how long she had been staring. She looked up suddenly making eye contact with Toni when she lowers her sunglasses. Toni's mouth went completely dry.

Damn this girl was gorgeous. Toni wasn't going to let her know that she was making her nervous. "Hey there gorgeous." Toni called giving her a wink. The redhead raised her sunglasses back up, wearing a smirk. Completely ignoring her she sped into the driveway when the gates had finally opened.

Toni stood back from the window, chuckling to herself. She didn't know who she was but whoever she was she was going to find a way to impress this girl.

"Wait what did you say her name was again?" Sweet Pea asked. "That's the thing Sweets, I never got her name. I said hi and she basically ignored me." Toni replied grabbing a slice of pizza. It was Friday and Toni and Sweet Pea were having their weekly pizza and movie night.

The Shining played on the tv. It had gotten to the part where the little boy kept saying "Redrum". Toni shuddered. "This part freaks me out so much." Sweet Pea smirked at her. "Pussy" He teased. Toni playfully hit his arm.

"Hey, I knew a kid like that back in second grade who would watch me for the whole time at recess." Toni said defensively. Sweet Pea chuckled. "So what's the game plan to woo your girl?" Sweet Pea asked. The room fell silent for a bit.

Toni finally spoke. "I'll find a way." Toni smirked. Deep down she wasn't sure if she would. What could she possibly say to the girl that had clearly shown no interest?

The next day Toni was checking the mail when she heard the sound of the gates opening. Looking over she spotted a familiar redhead walking over toward the mailbox checking her mail. She looked gorgeous as usual wearing a white crop top and red shorts that showed off her curves nicely. Toni heart rate sped up. This was her chance.

Toni made her way up to the girl which surprised her. "Hey." Toni greeted. She thought she was going to melt being this close to her. But Toni had to keep her cool. Her eyes ran down Toni's body. She then looked at her with annoyance. "And what do you want Raggamuffin?" The redhead asked putting on a fake smile.

Wow, that was rude. Toni bit her lip trying to hold back some of the anger brewing. She wasn't going to let petty name calling get to her. The fact that she was so cute made it difficult to stay mad. "Your name." Toni replied flashing her a smile.

For a second it looked like she tried to hide a blush. But in no time she was back to her stony glare. "Cheryl, Cheryl Blossom. I notice you like staring at me so I may as well give you my Twitter handle. It's @CherylBombshell." Toni laughed.

Toni bit her lip. "Nice to meet you Cheryl Bombshell." She replied teasingly. Cheryl looked over at Toni's motorcycle turning up her nose. "You actually drive on that?" She asked. Geez. So she was definitely a snob not that Toni was surprised.

"Yeah. Wanna go for a spin with me?" Toni asked. Cheryl looked at her as though she thought she was the most pathetic person ever. "As if, sapphic serpent!" Cheryl replied turning away and walking toward the house. Toni was slightly disappointed.

However she wasn't going to let her know that. "Hey, you never got my name!" Toni shouted after her. Cheryl suddenly stopped to Toni's surprise. "And what might that be?" Cheryl asked not evening turning around. "Toni Topaz." Toni replied. "Whatever." Cheryl commented. Wooing this girl wasn't going to be easy. But Toni felt like it was worth it. Little did she know a smile had formed upon the other girl's lips.

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