Chapter 38

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Ash's P.O.V:
My alarm went off ages ago but I can't seem to get the fuck up. My brother can fucking wait, he's not the bloody king.

I glance over at the wall clock, 6:45am. Oops looks like I'll be a tad late. I take a quick shower and grab a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt. Hope these are clean. I can't remember the last time I did some laundry.
I run my fingers through my hair and grab my keys and jacket. I slip on my vans, put my phone in my pocket and left the room.

The drive to the airport was smooth, not a lot of traffic. In 20 minutes I had reached and  I was looking for parking. I found a good spot by the arrivals so I decided to park and go look for my ass of a brother.

Out he waltzed dragging a suitcase behind him. Great, he'll be here for more than a day, fuck me.

"Brother! He called out loudly as he approached me, holding his arms out for a hug. He had glasses on and his hair looked greasy as fuck".

"You're looking well" I said, as he pulled me in for a hug.

"So do you. You look fabulous" He said with a smirk.

"Stop fucking exaggerating" I said, laughing.

"Now get in the fucking car".

I looked at the address mum gave me. Fuck my life it was 40 minutes away! 40 minutes in the car with this asshole.

We sat in silence till about half way through the trip when I opened my mouth to speak.

"You hungry, Axel?" I asked.

"Mmm.. yea, but I'll eat at home" He replied lazily.

"You tired?" I asked. Dumb question, but I wanted to get on his nerves. Ha!

Axel takes off his glasses and glares at me with his fucking scary eyes. I want to laugh so fucking loud.

"What kinda dumbass question is that? Of course I'm fucking exhausted, I've been traveling all night you cunt" Axel spat before throwing his glasses at me.

I laughed out loud. He was annoying but he's still my brother and I love pissing him off. Just like old times.

We pull up outside the massive place mum's at and I stare in awe. How the fuck can she afford to stay here?

Axel gets outta the car and slams the door.

"Oops" He says, eyeing me.

"Hey! Don't take it out on the car, man. Just don't!" I said to this prick and he just laughs.

Axel opens the huge iron gate and walks up the driveway. I follow behind looking around the place. It was huge, which got me a bit suspicious.

As I was still strolling up the driveway, Axel had already rang the doorbell. Mum opens the door and gives Axel a hug. She looks behind and sees me coming up, she suddenly has a big smile on her face.

"Thank you Ashton, for picking up your brother" mum said, rubbing my arm.

"You're welcome, mother. I have to go to class now. Umm I'll see you tonight I guess" I said, planting a kiss on her cheek and heading off.

When I arrived back at school I fucking ran to my class. The teacher said he would call my dad if I showed up late one more time. Fucking ass.

I managed to survive his dreadful class and praised the gods when class was over. My next class was at 2pm which meant I was free till then.
I decided to head to Kaia's room to ask her about dinner. I sure hope she says yes, I'm actually only going because of her. To be honest.

Once I get to her room I knock on the door. After a few seconds someone opens the door. I look up to see Kaia in her workout wear. Oh my God my eyes. That body. I feel like I've been resurrected. Holy fuck. Fuck me!

"Hi" she says sweetly and I think I just passed out. How am I still standing? My knees are fucking jelly.

I don't notice how long I was staring at her. She had me in a trance. Holy shit.
I eventually snapped out of it after she kept waving her hands in front of my mesmerized face.

I finally cleared my throat and looked at her face.

"Hi love, can I come in? I asked impatiently and she slowly steps aside to let me in.

Soon as she closed the door I pinned her up against the wall and kissed her hard. She was skeptical at first but then she responded to my kiss. I pulled her closer to me and ran my hands down her back. She was sweaty from working out but that turned me on more. She pulled me by my jacket and led me to the study table. My heart was beating so fucking fast I couldn't control myself, she was fucking perfect. She leaned against the table and pulled me closer, our bodies felt like it was on fire. Every touch from her was electrifying.

"Ahem" someone says, making both me and Kaia jump.

Kaia stands up straight and her face is flushed. So beautiful.

"Dani" she says breathlessly.
"I thought you were in the shower".

"I was..but....nevermind" Dani says, covering her eyes.

"You don't have to cover your eyes darling, we weren't doing anything cheeky" I said and Kaia's face turned red in an instant.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go back to the bathroom till y'all are done, okay?" Dani said before disappearing into the bathroom again.

I wrap Kaia up in my arms and look into her beautiful stormy eyes. She smiled up at me and I planted a kiss on each of her dimples. I'm so fucking blessed.

"I wanted to ask you something important" I said to her.

"Okay. Shoot" she says excitedly.

I love how she's always in a positive mood. Total opposite from me.

"My mum invited us over for dinner tonight. I understand if you don't wanna go, it's up to you" I said, hoping she would say yes.

She looks at me then looks down, as if she's deciding. Few seconds later she looks up with a big smile on her face.

"I'd love to go with you".

I felt so relieved, I didn't know if I would survive a family dinner on my own. It would probably be filled with swears and insults, how it's always been. But now that this gem is accompanying me, I know that fucker Axel will be on his best behavior.


Guysssss♡ thanks for reading this far! Thanks so much for ur comments, I love reading ur thoughts and replying to them ♡♡

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