Chapter 5: Another day😋

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💎Y/N's POV💎
After a long night's rest, I finally woke up. But I didn't want to. I woke up to a sound. That is the fire alarm. I quickly look over and notice that Corl isn't there. I race into the kitchen and see smoke gathering around the oven and stove. Through all the smoke I can see his adorable little grin as he looks at me and says "I tried to make breakfast in bed for you but, turns out that I can't even make eggs".

I giggled, "well, I can't even cook either. So how about we go somewhere to eat?" That sounded amazing to me, even though I was still half asleep.

"Anything for you, my love" he kissed me. He looked towards his phone and said "I was just looking at a place to eat and how does Pop's chock-lit shoppe sound?"

"It's new so why not try it?"

❤️Corl's POV❤️
Thank god for Y/N. I don't know what the hell I'd do without her. I'd probably burn down the house in all honesty. I'm just so happy it's me and her now. We hoped into the car and drove off.

As we passed many streets and many cars while listening to the many of Y/N's favorite songs, we finally arrived at Pop's (those of you who don't know, Pop's is a Riverdale reference). It looked pretty old-fashioned and had neon lights everywhere. It was perfect for us.

"Nice pick Braden! This place looks amazing. We should probably go here more often, despite what their food will taste like"

Y/N always has a "thing" for places like these. She never really cared how their food or service was. She just loved the way it looked and how it stood out from the many other places around. She says that it makes it unique and helps her find out what's her favorite and what's not. I guess she'd made the same choice with me.

Then again, she's recently been doing the same thing with Sketch. Even though they keep getting into arguments and shit like that, they always seem to be flirting with one another, but secretly. I know that it's weird but I'm guessing it's just a gut feeling that I have."

"Hello, is Braden there?" I guess I'd zoned out for a while cause we were already seated in a booth and the waitress was getting our drink orders.

"I'll have a vanilla coffee please" even though the place was new, I always stuck to the usual.

"I'll take a French Vanilla Cappuccino with a little creamer. Not a lot, but just enough" she's always been this picky about her drinks and food. It's always made me laugh.

"So Corl, what made you know that'd I'd love this place?"

"I don't know. Considering that we've known each other forever, I just kind of guessed that you love places that stood out from everything else and you thought was amazing. Something unique. Something... different" it was then that I knew. I knew that she does really like Sketch. I don't know if you could tell by the look on my face, but I was figuring things out. I think she knew too.

"Look, Corl." Oh shit. I knew it. I was going to die right here. Or just, you know cry in a hole for a year or so until she'd get with me again.

"If you didn't want to go and eat out somewhere, you should've told me!" Oh thank god. I've just been saved from the devil and all that is hell.

"Oh no, no, no! It's not that I swear babe" I hoped that I didn't freak her out, even though she freaked me out. But, deep down, I knew what she truly wanted to say...

Earlier that day:

💛Sketch's POV💛
After that amazing date with Hailee last night, I started about giving it another try. She was absolutely beautiful. She had the perfect strawberry blonde hair that you could ever think of. She had the cutest little laugh, and made you laugh wherever you went. Even though I just met her yesterday. She was amazing. I ended up texting her.

Me: Hey
Hailee: Hey, wassup?
Me: nothing much. You?
Hailee: nope. Just the same thing
Me: well, I've been thinking. Wanna go somewhere?
Hailee: sure! I'm free today so, where to?
Me: how 'bout a nice drive to the beach and if you want, we can go out onto the beach and maybe ride some waves
Hailee: that sound perfect! When are you going to pick me up?
Me: will you be ready within an hour?
Hailee: definitely! Then pick me up at 11:00 a.m at 724 6th Street.
Me: okay I'll see you then gorgeous

I began to get ready and eat breakfast almost immediately. I anxiously waited for 11:00 a.m to arrive.

I grabbed the keys and headed out the door. As I hoped into the car and started it, after putting on some music obviously, I began to type in "724 6th Street Boston, MA". I backed out of the driveway, and drove off.

💠Hailee's POV💠
I anxiously waited on the steps outside my house waiting for Elijah's car to pull up and to see his hot af face. I can't even begin to find words to describe him. In my mind, he's just the perfect guy. I've gone through a lot in the past few years and many relationships. I hope this becomes long term.

I saw his car out of the corner of my eye and I jumped up off the stairs and remembered that he was cute and I needed to impress him so I tried to act natural.

I heard a whistle. It was like a "cat call" and I turned and saw a tall, skinny, hot ass mf blondie. It was Elijah. I turned so he couldn't see me blush, cause I hate showing it.
"Why don't you look stunning?" I was blushing so much. I tried to calm down and act natural, again.

"Why thank you. You look amazing as well." He opened up the door for me, turned on the radio, and drove off.

Authors note: What do you guys think so far? Anyway, I might be posting a Riverdale fanfic. It may be on this account or a different one, tell me which you'd prefer!

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