chapter one

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It was my first day of school in my graduate your .. and as always I wake up late on my dady's calls "Hazel! Haze!! .. wake up, you are going to be late, come on wake now! U have to be more responsible " I sighed and shifted on bed ,then barely open one eye " just little more dad , pleease " and I covered my head with the pillow " No you have to move now ; or you want me to send your brother to come and get you?" He said and crossed his arms over his chest, " Ooh fine; I'm coming" with that he left my room

Yawning I extend my arms and my eyes were still heavy with the sleep, I setup straight and stretch one leg touch the cold floor looking with my toes for my sandal while I rubbing my eye with my left hand ..Finally catch them ..

then I moved to the bathroom and took a quick shower ,will it's not natural for me to just having a shower without some dance and noisy cries as a song.. but i was so exhausted so I just make it quick ... then I prepared my room . And went downstairs and into the kitchen where my family was ; mam, dad and Seth ,setting and having the breakfast

"good morning all" I said it with wide smile on my face .. I love my family ,as I kiss mother on cheek " morning sweetheart " mam said with a lovely smile " morning lazy dull " Seth said with a grin on his face and I kicked his feet and he chuckled " okay sorry "said and rolled his eyes" stop that kids " mam said while handing me a sandwich and cup of tea.

I set near my father facing Seth how is 4 year older than me and he is still study at the University ، he is a senior ,on my left were my father Henry Houston ,he is a respectable cop work at the official here in San Diego .. and mam Serena Houston , she is a lovely mother and a good housekeeper ,sometimes a writer ,and in her free time she loves to knitting just to spend the time , then here I AM Hazel .. 17 years old and the youngest daughter of my parents , I studying at high school in my last year " hey Hazel are you coming ,! Or you intend toclean the house !!?" Dad interrupted my thoughts , holding his car's key and raising one brow.

"Hah.!! that is the last thing she would ever do ^clean the house^, it seems to me that her ass obviously stuck on the chair " stupid Seth said with a chuckle ,and I gave him a warning glare then he went silent.

" okay kids .. stop annoy each other .. you suppose to be a loving siblings" then he turn to mom and give her a light kiss " have a nice day ,dear Waif " she smiled and return the kiss" be careful, dear husband " and he chuckled. Then I said goodbye to mom and glared at Seth. As I run after my father , as I close the door behind me ,and I gets into the passenger seat " ready??" Dad asked " as always " I said with a wink , and he chuckled

We drive for about 30 minutes , and we were there in front of my school.

Dad turns to me now " I love u darling , have a great day .. and please be a good girl and do not caused problems .. Okay?!" Dad said holding my gaze , and I give him a peck on cheek " Okay dad .. I love you too " I smiled at him then I went out .

I walked to the entrance then I seen

them waiting for me near the reception "Moooolyyyy, Elsssaaa!!" I called loudly ..then they spot me.. Elsa and Moly are my best friend since primary school, and we didn't met the whole holiday "HAZEEEEEL" they cried in Union , then running to me .. we get into big tied bear hug " girls I've missed you .. how are you" I almost cry , I really miss them " we miss you too, crazy .. we good . How you ?.. and how was the holiday " Molly exclaimed , and gave me another hug " Yah where you spend it? .. and most important with how?!" Elsa said as she winked at me and we giggles .. Ooh how much I love those girls. We spend the whole day stuck together , and we tell echother about how was the holiday , as we chatted about boys , and our plan to the end of the day.

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