chapter nine

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          This day dad walked me to the Doctor and asked him about me .. the Doctor reassured him .. then he left , "So! Hazel, how you today ?is there any weird things happened in past two days?!" Jo said, and I just shooked my head, and he continued asking me about many things till our time is up .. and I went to the reception , as I phoned Dad telling him I'll go back on my own.

         5 minutes went by and then Willy is finally here! .. "So! pretty ,  how was your meeting!?" He asked and I told him how was it .. then we went out , as we ride his bike  to the cinema , "what movie you chosen !?.. I just hope it's not kind of freak romantic film!" I said giving him a disgusting face , and he chuckled, " Nah , it's fantasy one ,you gonna love it " He said , as he turned the engine on .. and we ride for 13 minutes, then we were there .. as we arrived he buy for us some popcorn to enjoy it with the movie.

         It took 3 hours to end .. Although it was really good movie .. about group of explorers went to undiscovered jungle , and they get in many troubles, and at the end they all going to die and only one child will survive."I felt bored till death" Lucian grumbled * that is really what I wish* and I smirked at him ..  "I like it" I exclaimed and he chuckled "I knew you will .. so let's dawdling a little, it's boring to go home this earlier! Isn't is!??.. or your mom will punished you ..kid " He said Sarcastically,  as he took my hand and start dragging  me forward, "by the way! .. I'm not  kid any more .. my eighteenth birth day will be after tomorrow " I raised my eyebrows at him , as I pulled my hand off him then crossed thim over my chest  , and he raised his hands up" Okay young lady .. that means tomorrow we have our little party , there is no escape, no excuses "He said with an awkward expression and I giggled , "what the Hell , deadly no way you gonna hungout with him" the demon said threateningly, but I ignored it,   "okay then" I said excitedly.

         We dawdling for more 15 minutes then he drove me home,  I went inside and found Mom in the living room watching TV ,  " honey you back .. how was your day!? .. you know you will be back to school from the next week right!??" She said , "yeah! And I'm so excited about meeting my friends again " I gave her wide smile and she nodded. So I went to my room and get some rest .

       The next day went normally .. and  after lunch I prepared myself for go out with Wil "Hazel! Don't angry me, I don't wonna see you with any other guy; you are MINE" Lucian said seriously, "look you idiot, I'm not yours , and I would never be. So stop dreaming and live me alone " I said sharply , as I sniffling angrily, but I ignored as always .. I was  wearing a green gown reaching my knees  with a golden fabric in the edge, and my hair were combed up in nice way .. as I took last look at my self in the mirror .. then I  gets downstairs ,  Mom was there , "honey! .. you look!! ..Where are you going?" Mom asked angrily "I have a D..A..T...E., with Willy mom "I said shayly , and mom loughed, "demn you Hazel! Don't force me to do that!"Lucian said darkly, *do what ever you want. I do not give you dam care*, i said to the demon , then there was a knocking on the door , and I run to open it , it was Willy smiling down at me , wearing a piece of jeans and black jacket with a white t-shirt under it .. he looked handsome."you don't know the meaning of that word" Lucian sounds disappointed.

Thus we said goodbye to mom and he offered me a hand and I took it ,"you look like .. girls!!" He said looking at me with those lovely brown eyes, and I chuckled,  "like girls!!? , and what was I? Some kind of gay look or what ?" I said rising one brow at him , as he left his hand up in surrendering expression "Nop!.. but you were looking like some kind of freak ghost girl " He said and I dodged him by my elbow .. as I gets into the bike behind him ,then he drove us to the South.

              An hour passed by as we finally arrived at our destination ,so I gets down ,  looking at the surrounds,  an Enchanted beautiful place, full of flowers, trees , grass growing everywhere ..and on the far is laying the ocean smiling at us. "This is a paradise!" I said feeling fascinated by this view, "Do you like it??" as he stands besides me , hands in his pockets .. I turned to him "I love it! .. thank you Willy! .. it's the most beautiful thing ever ,that someone did for me..",and he just smiled, "you deserve better" He said ..
         Walking backward I turned and started running through the green yard as I yelled and revolves around myself, "catch me !"I said .. then Willy started chasing  me ,.. till we get tired , we just lay there on the grass , it was no one there except for us .. and no sound except for the bards on the high far branches singing to us ,and our breath come out heavy from all that run ,  as the sky were watching us through the branch's spaces , and the ocean were still smiling at us.

          I felt sleepy, although it has been so long since I felt sleepy without fear of that demon ,*by the way , where is he?* I hope he got to Hell , and never back ,.. why are you so concerned about him anyway !? I asked my mind ,*I don't feel good about this silent * , let's just forgot about him .. then I  leaned my head on Wil's shoulders .. it was so comfortable and I quickly drifted into a sleep ..  "Hazeel!" And I shot my eyes open, and found Willy still awake .. as he looked down at me , "Hey! You took a quick nap .. are you hungry yet?" Willy asked with lovely smile.

       As I set properly "Yah! .. what we have for eat?" I said eagerly, "We going for hunt!" Willy said , pulling  his mouth in thin line. And I looked at him seriously , then he lough , "Okay .. I have brought with me some  snacks , before I came to get you!" He said as he brings them and we ate , and chatting for sometime  .. then we dashed  to the beach ,  swimming and playing for awhile ,then we get out of the water and bombed on the sand near the water,  "this is the most beautiful day I gone through " I said turning to him , and he just looked at me , stretching his hand , as he reached for  me and he took a strand of my hair tucking it behind my ear , "Do you know how much your eyes are captivating me " He said in a low voice , * Oh my God! He gonna do it! *  my mind is warning me , but I closed my eyes , ignoring it's warnings ,as  Willy  leaned forward .. for what I think it's kiss.

         Then I heard him gasped and I snap my eyes open, I seen him stumbling backward with eyes wide and mouth open .. then I turned around to see what he was looking at .. and my mouth dropped open . It was a crocodile! A huge one with sharp teeth ,  crawling towards us ,and  in a blink of an eye he were on top of Willy!.. and it's claws were pressed hard in Willy's shoulder as he cried in pain ,  I started screaming ,and I don't know what to do!.. , then I noticed the eyes of the beast , they were blue!..there is no crocodile with a blue eyes,
           *Oh my God!* mind directly figured it out,*it's him .. it's Lucian! .. he warned me*.. " No!No!!No!!!.. stop .. please! .. stop" I cried, then the beast turned to me .. and with its right hand it start scratching on Willy's chest as he cried again. "I told you! ..  you are mine!" The beast said "just let him live .. please!" With eyes full of tears , I begged the demon beast .."he needs to die and not touching you!" The demon said with voice full of fury ,"just please .. stop! I will do anything you want , just don't kill him "I said between cries, and I notice that Willy is starting  go Unconscious, his wounds were deep though,  then the crocodile gets off of Willy "I'm coming for you!"  the devil said darkly then he crawling back to the water ..and I run to Willy's side.

        It was night though and the ambulance took what seems forever to get to where we were , as I just setting near him helplessly ,don't know what to do .. I just kept crying .. then the ambulance is here as  they took him to the hospital .. I stayed with him tell the morning as my parents arrived and the police asked me what happened but I was just as the one who lost his mind .. I see people around me talking and walking but I don't understand any thing ..

          Till the night came ,and my parents force me to go back home with them .. saying we will come to visit Willy in the gingerliness with the first sight of sunlight. And it was my brith day night  , the worst brith day ever I got.. and when the clock announced twelve, I was setting on the floor in the far corner hugging my knees tightly .. and suddenly  the electricity went of ..

           And  under the dim light of the Moon , sneaking through my window .. I see him , coming out of the shadow, from the other corner , a guy with big ocean blue eyes .. *Oh my God! This is the guy from the beach* .. "Hi love!!" He said,..the same voice of that demon guy in my head!! .. and I shivered ,ghostbombs run through me  .. this is my Demon!, my tormentor!! ,the one who killed Luis! ,the one who hurt Willy ,My Willy .. angry filled me , and I curled my fingers into fists .."easy love! .. they are the one who urge me to do that on them ,they shouldn't have touched you" as he chuckled, a dark chuckled .. blindly , angrily  I pounced at him , and he spread his arms as to welcoming me ..and when I reached him ,I meant to punished him ,  to strangling him .. But No , none of that happens .. and instead of that I felt as the one who drowning into thick liquid, and I heard a dark laughter .. and all I can see is darkness, all I can feel is his hands around me .. and just as that I was gone!!

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