😤we are scouts😤

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Sofia shot pov

Ugh my back is killing me. Where am I. Oh yeah my idiot friend wished for us to be here. God fucking dammit.

Speaking of emma I can't see here until I here a thud on the ground. Yep that's emma. "where are" she managed to say before the door was knocked down. It was levi.

I looked over at emma trying to compose herself. Jeez emma is it that hard. I sighed and got up from the rocky mattress and went over to emma.

"Emma Sofia" throwing us a change of clothes that looked like the trainies uniform. "Thank you" we said in unison.

"Tch" was all I heard before the door was slammed firmly nearly falling off its hinges.

We laughed and got changed. After we got changed emma walk to the mirror striking poses like emma u could die but she don't care.

Emma pov

Damn I like soo good I don't care if Sofia is giving me the are u good look. Like LOOK AT MY CALVES THEY LOOK FLAWLESS

When we finished up we headed to the training grounds and saw everyone staring at us like I know beautiful.

I kept a blank expression. Once I  made eye contact I nudged Sofia and smirked.

When we finally lined up I was being eyed by the trio like I know who u are son of a bitches

"ATTENTION" as I heard a loud booming voice. I am literally fangirling but I will show emotion for my prides sake.

Sofia shot pov

Suddenly I was in was standing front of the man himself. "Shinganshina" sir I replied in a cool tone.

"WHY ARE U HERE SOLDIER" he shouted even louder trying to intimidate me.

I answered with "to help humanity fight against the titans" I said Louder and with confidence. 

I was so relieved when I heard a grunt of approval and watch him shout in another boys face.

Omg it's horseface I screamed in my head keeping a blank expression.

After interogation

Sofia shot pov

That was easier than I thought. He wasn't even that scary even emma answered him confidently.

Omg Ugh now we have to test our skills with our own gear.

I'm not nervous I think I'm really good at balancing on one foot so I'll be fine.

I'm not sure about emma though all she did in our ballet class was sing.

God what did I get myself into.

Oh yeah I should tell eren about the broken gear. I bet ya emma has forgotten already.

Where is emma. I looked around to find emma walking around the corner. Why we're the reiner , Bertoldt fallowing her.

I crept around the corner to find her staring at them with a blank expression.

"Emma"i said she turned and smiled and asked me to join her.

What's up with her. "Sorry but does she know aswell" Annie said harshly. Emma nodded.

What the hell is going on was all I thought in my head until I was pulled out with Emma yanking my arm.

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