Chapter 1: Unfair!

55 3 8

8253 CE - 01/17

Percy POV

"Nico! Jason! Let's do this one more time! Attack the base with all that you've got!" I said as I dodged plasma beams heading to my ship(spaceship). "Alright commander, we're right behind you," Jason said. We made a turn and started heading straight for the enemy base. We shot with missiles, laser beams, and plasma beams but it wouldn't even damage the base by a bit.

Our main battle strategist, Annabeth Chase (who is also my wife), was watching the battle from our base. She said "the shields are too strong. You're gonna run out of firepower before you even damage the base. You need to get it from the inside. In the northeast side, there is a small opening. Nico, Jason, try to assist Percy and he'll bomb it from the inside."

"Alright you heard her. Let's go boys!" I said confidently. It was only the three of us on this mission and we were against a base that held 50 ships and a crew of a thousand. I wanted to end this mission fast because apparently we have new information about Gaea back in base.

We were rounding the corner near the opening. I went in full speed while Nico and Jason were shooting down the enemy ships heading our way. Within a few seconds I got through the opening and lucky for us, it went straight to their power cells. I shot all of my remaining missiles and then immediately went out of the same hole I went in through.

Once I was out Nico and Jason was back by my side and it seemed like they took down all the enemy ships. The enemy base exploded behind us and we cheered. "Great job guys, now head back home safely," Annabeth said. "Thanks Annie," I said, happy about our success.

Now I guess is a good time to explain things. So, you may be wondering, what the hell happened there. Well, its simple really. We were attacking one of the small bases of Gaea, which is around 500 miles above the surface of planet 4546B. On small missions like these, its usually only a squad of 3-5 people who are sent out.

Planet 4546B?? Not Earth?? Well, yes. It is currently 8253 CE. Earth was lost more than 6000 years ago because Gaea was able to win the war. All the good gods and godesses were killed in the process and also 50% of the demigods. There were only a few hundreds of us left and we had no way to win the war when suddenly Chaos invited us to his army. We couldn't deny of course or else we would all die.

Chaos took us to his planet afterwards and then gave us immortality unless we fall in battle (Just like the Hunters of Artemis, yes. And oh, they're dead too except for Thalia).

We trained for a few years and that's when the army started. I immediately became our Commander-in-chief. Our army's structure goes like this. There are 5 legions, 1 being for us demigods and the others for recruits all over the universe. A legion is constructed with 3 battalions; a battalion is constructed with 10 fireteams; a fireteam is constructed with 2 squads; a squad is constructed with 3-8 people. The demigods' legion is the smallest since there were only a few hundreds of us left.

You may also be wondering about our fighting style. Spaceships? Laser beams? Plasma beams? What? It happened around 5000 years ago when Gaea started to expand her army outside of Earth. We also needed it for our other missions all around the universe. Some of us still like to fight with the same style on land. I still do too but I also learned with guns since sometimes that was the better option.

Also, you may be thinking how we haven't actually defeated Gaea yet. When we started the army, there were more important enemies that we had to deal with first on different galaxies. What we didn't know is that Gaea was actually the most important enemy. She was expanding fastly and we didn't expect it. Soon enough her army became very strong, so the Demigod Legion was all focused on Gaea. We couldn't focus all our legions on Gaea because if we fought her straight on, the war would probably be a few decades which means the rest of the universe will have a few decades of no guidance and protecion from us and that's something we wouldn't want happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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