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"Looking for something?"

(Narrators POV now since I keep on messing up)
You jump and look behind you, you could see a black hand holding out your flower to you inside of the tree you where just admiring "W-where did ya get that?" "Just found It on the ground when you where searching for it 2 seconds ago, you want it back?" The Hand  starts coming forward a little bit more and you can see a blue eye come from inside of the tree, along with a bright white smile. You take a step back and look around you, trying to see if anyone will guard you so you won't get hurt by this thing. "U-uh-uhh, c-can you just d-drop it?" You start to shiver and lose a little bit of your balance, making it seem like you where about to fall backwards. "Are you that scared of me?! I'm just trying to help!" You try your best to stand tall, "y-yeah but your r-really freaking me o-out s-so...p-please drop m-my flower," it sighed and closed its one blue eye and then opened it again only to look in another direction, "w-what's wrong?" You could now hear rustling coming from the direction it was facing, then the hand holding your flower disappeared into the tree, "Wait no! Give it back!" "SHHHHH!!" You jump a little and stop talking and look back in the direction where you heard the rustling again. It takes its hand back out but without the flower, "c'mon..this place isn't very safe," you nod and take his hand, only to be grabbed by some black most likely tentacle and shot inside of the tree with it. "Y/N?! where did ya go?!" A familiar voice said, it was Ink. "Ugh that bastard, let's go somewhere else," "but, he's nice.." "I Said come on!" You sigh and nod while he grabs your wrist with a very tight grip, making you wince in pain a little.

Soon you find yourself in a room, kinda like your old room back when you where in that lady's house. You sit up, finding out that you where in a bed, after looking at the now very bruised wrist you realize that the flower was taken by it. You couldn't help but sob, especially very loudly. But thank god no one heard you soon having a tiny panic attack, throwing stuff around, screaming, sobbing, it felt like you where going insane but really you where just so sensitive in that one moment.
                                                                                           It just wasn't
(LETS SPILL THE BEANS SHALL WE since most of u know what's going on sooooo eh)
Horror's POV
I could hear loud sobbing coming from upstairs, soon screaming, it was so god damn annoying already! So I walked up stairs and opened the door to the room where I heard the tantrum, there was a girl throwing everything that she could find pickup-able, so I leaned on the door frame, watching her have her tantrum, it was quite amusing. She stopped and sat down on her destroyed bed after probably a good 30 minuets and put her head in her hands, crying a little bit. "Are you done?" She jumped and looked at me in..horror pfft my jokes are horrible. "Wait..you saw everything?" She Said looking at me a little embarrassed, "yep, don't worry it was pretty fun to watch!" She looked at me and walked up to me, looking straight at my face, "..bitch," she slapped me, Jesus Christ that girl has some strong hits, of course I land on the ground, hitting the back of my head not the floor as she closes the door to the destroyed room. "H@ n0w th@t i$ int3rtainm3nt!" I look up and see Error right above me and I growl in a frustrated way. "I would shut up if I Where you." "0h i$ th@t s0? Th3n c0me 0n, m@k3 m3 shu+ uP!" Soon a while hand fighting Match comes alive, and as soon as I was about to win the girl yells "SHUT UP I CAN'T EVEN GET ANYMORE SLEEP WITH YOU TWO FIGHTING!" from inside the door, making us both look at the door but then Error punches me making me fall to the ground in defeat, "h@ y0ur s0 b@d @t figh+ing!" "You say that when you can't even kill Ink?" Error's eye sockets black out, making me laugh, "UGH SHU+ UP! @ND IF H3 DI3$ I JUS+ MIGH+ DI3 T0O!" "Scaredy-cat!" Error only kicks me in the shin and walks away. Ahh~ what a good day it was humiliating people and monsters!

Now be free my children, fly away to another place of not sin and leave me almost being a sans fangirl....

I need serious help

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