Going Public

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Lea's POV

As I stare down at the Pregnancy test sitting on the counter of my bathroom. I wonder why this is happening right now? I'm not quite sure that this is the right time to be bringing a child into the world. Cory and I have been secretly dating since the end of season 1 but we only really told our friends and family in the middle of season 2. I'm not sure if I am ready to be a mother, I know Cory will be happy. I just always get lost in my thoughts thinking about all the Pros and Cons. I mean Rachel is still in high school so would she have to have a baby too. What would Ryan say?

I hear a buzz from my phone, I grab it and check it. It is from Diana. The text reads, Lea look at the link I sent you. I click on the link and I am Brought to a video of Cory on the Ellen show. I knew that Cory was going on the Ellen show, so why did Diana send me this? I continue watching intrigued. " I have a question for you. Whenever we have guests on the show people send us questions via twitter saying Please ask them this. So here is one it's from a glee thing, could you imagine if Ellen asked Cory if he knew what Monchele is I would die. " Ellen says. Cory responds with "Of course I know what Monchele is its Monteith and Lea Michele!"
Wait is he doing what I think he is. "Cause people think you are a couple," Ellen responds with. "We are." He says which makes my heart melt. He just confirmed our relationship. I scream in excitement! I have always wanted to confirm to the media that we were together but Cory wasn't he thought that our lives were already blasted so much in the media, that we should enjoy the time we had together privately. Which I always respected. I still always thought that I would be the one who would accidentally let it slip. So this fells like a weight lifted off of my shoulders and almost makes me forget about what else is happening.

A few hours pass and all I can focus on is the video of Cory confirming our relationship. It really made me fall in love with him more. I was lying on the couch reading the script for my scenes tomorrow when I hear the door open. This doesn't worry me because I know it is Cory. He comes into the living room and I immediately jump up and leap into his arms and kiss him passionately. "What's that for?" He says. "Ellen!" I reply. "You saw that." He says. "Yes, it was very romantic," I say. "Really, I was worried you would be mad." He says. "I'm anything but mad, I'm so happy I could scream and if I remember correctly I did," I say while leaning in to kiss him again. He also leans in and we share another passionate kiss.

Cory's POV

I finished the Ellen show I'm about to get home but I'm really worried that Lea will be angry that I didn't consult her first before announcing our relationship. I open the door and cautiously enter. To my surprise, I'm not already being yelled at which I take as a good sign. I walk into the living room and I am immediately greeted by Lea jumping into my arms and kissing me passionately, which catches me by surprise. I talk about what happened making sure that she wasn't mad about Ellen and it's is the opposite Lea loved the way I did it. We lean in again and kiss passionately.

I don't want to ruin the moment but I am busting to go to the toilet. I pull away and Lea says "Hey, where are you going." I reply "I'm busting for the toilet." As I walk towards the bathroom Lea runs towards the door almost as if there is something in the bathroom that she doesn't want me to see. "Why can't I go in?" I say. She then pauses for a minute before responding with "There is a present in there for you." "Really" I say not convinced. "Yes, but you can't have it yet. So you will need to go to the bathroom upstairs" She says. "Fine" I say as I start to go up the stairs.

Lea's POV

That was a close call he hardly believed the present story. I wait for Cory to close the upstairs bathroom door and then I enter the bathroom in a panic. I'm not really sure what I should do with the pregnancy test. If I should take it with me or stash it in the bathroom. I decide that I should take it and put it somewhere else because if I stash it I can guarantee that Cory will come looking for "the present". I take the test and put it in a pocket of my handbag, I need to talk to Diana about this she will be able to help me. I also put it in my handbag because it's Cory, I know that he wouldn't go in my handbag.

By the time Cory had come home, it was about 8:30. After I put the test in my bag I started to get ready for bed. Working on glee is great but man the call times tire me out. Tomorrow Cory and I both had to be at the Fox Lot by 4:30, so we had to go to bed really early tonight. As I got undressed and into my Pyjamas, I looked at my stomach. There was a living thing in there, even thought it didn't look like that. It just reminded me of how different my life will be now. But maybe it will change my life in a good way. I walk over to the bed and get in under the sheets, Cory pulls me into his chest and kisses my heads and says " I love you, Lea." I say "I love you, Cory."

Hey guys this is my first novel, so please don't judge to hard. I know it's really bad. I just love Monchele so I thought I would write a story with them in it. Thanks for reading 💕💕💕

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