Where Did We Go Wrong (Roc Royal Abusive Story)

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My Name Is Hazel August and I am married to Chresanto August, I'm 5'2 , I have long curly hair , I'm light skin , when me and Chresanto got married it was going great but then later on in our marriage things started to get out of hand , he started beating me and raping and he wouldn't even let me out the house unless he goes with me and only gets worst

Hazel POV

I was in the basement waiting for chres to come back home from work , I was starving I haven't ate for last 12 hours that chres has been at work then finally I heard chres come home

Chres: * unlocks the basement door * go clean yourself up

I quickly ran to room to get some clothes and go take a shower

Chres: and as soon as your done come cook me some dinner I'm hungry

After I took a good warm shower and put on my clothes and went to the kitchen and cook chres some food , while I was cooking chres was taking a shower I had just finish cooking his food then I set it on the table I hope the food don't get cold cause chres hates when his food is cold then chres comes downstairs and starts to eat

Chres: * spits the food out * wtf this shit is cold * throws the plate and comes toward me and punches me *

Me: * falls to the ground *

Chres: oh u gonna get it tonight * picks me up and takes me upstairs *

Me: I'm sorry put me down please

Chres: * puts me down and slaps me * bitch shut up

Chres started to rip off all my clothes while I was kicking and screaming

Chres: baby relax

Me: * crying * stop !!

Chres: * takes out roczilla and puts it on me and starts thrusting himself in me *

Me: * crying and screaming * stopppp!! Please!!

After chres did what he did he fell asleep and I quickly and quietly got up and went to the bathroom to look at myself I was terrible I had bruises everywhere then I went to go take a shower when I was done I saw chres was still sleeping I knew what I had to do so I grabbed a couple of clothes and left I went to my best friend Karen house she was the only person I can turn to right now I knocked on the door and she answered it

Karen: hey

Me: hey

Karen: u finally u left him

Me: yea I couldn't take anymore

Karen: good

7 months later

It's been 7 months since I left that hell house and I found out that I was pregnant and im having a girl I'm so excited today I'm going to the mall with my best friend Princeton and Karen so we can buy things for my baby girl Heaven

At The Mall In The Baby Store

Me: aww this is cute guys

Karen: girl no that's not cute she ain't white

Me: * laughs *

Prince: y'all Heaven gotta have this * has an all Jordan outfit *

Me: that's cute * smiles *

We all started to get hungry and we went to the food court and sat at the table

Karen: so Hazel did u tell chres about Heaven

Me: nope

Prince: y not he's still your husband and your baby daddy

Me: i know but I ain't worrying about him

Karen: ok

We eat then we walk around then we went into Foot Locker and looks around then I saw something I didn't want to see it was chres I quickly turned around and I can tell he saw me

Chres: Hazel ?

Hazel: * turns around * umm hi

Chres: wow your pregnant ?

Hazel: duh

Chres: is it mine

Hazel: of course it's yours dummy look I gotta go

Chres: wait * pulls me back *

Hazel: what?

Chres: I gotta be in this baby life please hazel

Hazel: I'll think about it * leaves *

We all left and went to my house

Karen: so what did chres said

Me: he said oh hazel your pregnant like nah I'm just fat

Prince: * laughs*

Karen: what else

Me: he said he wants to be in Heaven life


Me: he said he wants to be in Heaven's life

Karen: are you gonna let him?

Me: idk

Chresanto POV

Finally, but I have haven't really do anything since hazel left I miss her really much I can't believe I've been treating her like shit I love her I really do I can't believe she's pregnant I got to win her back but anyways I'm gonna call Hazel to make her meet me somewhere or spend the day with her

(Phone Convo) H: Hazel C: Chresanto

Chres calls Hazel

H: * answers * hello

C: hey

H: what do u want?

C: I'm calling to see if u wanted to hang out today or tomorrow

H: umm yea I guess

C: great ill see u then

(Convo Over)

Hazel POV (next day)

So chres called me to set a day to hang and we are going to the park and I thought sure I guess we can work things out before Heaven is born

At the park

Chres: so what's up

Me: nothing just getting fat

Chres: * laughs *

Me: what's funny?

Chres: nothing

Me: soo

Chres: so i was wondering if I can be in the baby life

Me: it's a girl and her name is Heaven and hmmm y not

Chres: really thanks Hazel you won't regret this I promise * rubs my belly *

Me: yea I better not

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