Starting Good

1K 24 1

2 Months Later

So Now Im 7 Months Pregnant and Me & Chres Been Good, he's being supportive, helping out, going to my appointment with me he's being so helpful and plus tomorrow is my baby shower and he helped me planned the coming for our baby girl Heaven Mya August so excited

Me: Chres we gotta go get the balloons

Chres: ok I'll get them on the way back home

Me: *looks at him *

Chres: *looks at me then the road* what

Me: nothing *smiles*

Chres: *puts one hand on my belly and the other on the steering wheel*

Me: *smiles*

Chres POV

Man I really missed Hazel im glad she's back in my life and I'm really happy she's having our baby girl i couldn't ask for anything else better, well right now we gonna go get something to eat

(At Chipotle)

Me: Baby what you want to eat

Hazel: I Want A Burrito Bowl

Me: Ok

(We Get Our Food And Go Sit At A Table)

Me: *eating*

Hazel: Baby

Me: yea

Hazel: im fat

Me: well baby what  you expect

Hazel: *looks at him* so you calling me fat

Me: no that's no- *gco*

Hazel: yes you did you called me fat

Me: Hazel you called yourself fat i just told the truth

Hazel: you never call a pregnant lady fat you suppose to say the opposite

Me: sorry baby *kisses her*

Hazel: mhm

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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