Chapter 12

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The Death of a Chosen One

3rd Pov

After a weeks later,The Tournament have to stop because Dark attack Skullz during his battle against Linda which cause the Tournament to stopped and now Skullz sparing was with Arceus as he send out a barrage of Aura Dragon Wave which Arceus collapse fainted

Skullz grin as he was now ready,he heal Arceus and he thank him for his training and now they were at the Zankour League,apparently his other friend,Khao believe that he was responsible for the awake of Sethceus as his Champion title was gone for him and his Elite Four lose their position,This outraged Skullz a lot and wants to kill Seth even more

He was now hunting down Seth with his Aura as he felt one familiar Aura that shock him

Austin - "Hello Skullz"Skullz turn around and saw the Team Void's leader,Austin

Skullz - "Austin...did you just made us the enemies to them?!"He shouted in fury as Austin grin

Austin - "You are a smart one aren't you?Yes,I frame you for freeing Sethceus"Skullz eyes flare up as he was about to kill Austin but Sethceus fired a Dark Judgement at Austin...killing him

Seth - "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!FOOLISH HUMAN!FALLINV INTO MY TRAPS!"Dark said between laugh as Skullz eyes widened

Skullz - "Wait...What?"He said as Seth stop laughing and look at Skullz

Seth - "Forgot about something Skullz?I am Evil remember?How foolish of him that I will listen to his stupid commands...."He said as he walk away

Skullz - "Where...are you going?"He said as Dark turned around

Dark - "Oh? Where our battle begins idiot and as well as charging my powers"He said before walk away

Then Blitz,Hydra,Linda,Carly,Cynthia and Ash came as Skullz explain what happened and they were about to move that's until Khao came with every Gym Leaders

Khao - "Stop right there Demon!You are cornered and now under arrest!"Khao said as they release their main Pokemon which Ash growl

He only has his Charizard with him while the others are back at Arceus's place

Skullz - "Why did you do this Khao?!We didn't free Sethceus but Austin did and he kill him!"Skullz said as Khao release his Titan Trio

They began fighting as Khao's Moltres,Articuno and Zapdos fainted when Skullz order Charizard to finish them with Blast Burn and now hey return their Pokemon and walk away

Khao - "We have to report this to Ryan,Don't think you have won the war Demon..."He said as they walk away

Skullz noted that that battle was 1 hours battle because they kept using Max Revive and Full Restore and now he quickly teleport then to the cave as they saw Seth sitting there with red,black and purple Aura surrounded him as Skullz could felt the powers emerging from Seth

Dark immediately vanish in blindly speed as Ash teleport everyone away except Skullz who is now fighting with Dark,Dakr reappear behind him as he fired a swirling sinister ball at Skullz who block it with Aura Excalibur

His fists then was surrounded in blue Aura and punch Seth who grunt in slight pain and he fired Dark Judgement at him as he roar in pain

He got up and slam the ground with his right fist as a blue Aura Rayquaza appear and fired attacks at Seth who counters it with his attacks,Ash and Carly soon join in as they fired Aura Bema at Seth who lose balance and got hit by The Dragon's Hyper Beam

Skullz - "Ash,Carly please get out...I'm feeling kinda... exhausted... Please get out"He said between panting as he charge at Seth with a blue blades form on his hands and slash Dark with it as he roar in pain then fired Death Inferno Beam and it hit Skullz dead on

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