Chapter five

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Hey guys! I'm sorry it took so long to update. I have so many plans with what I want to happen in the future but not now. The whole horrible writers block thing. School for me just got off so hopefully I will have more time to work. Enjoy! :)

Scott's POV

Waking up at three o'clock in the morning? No thank you. Having to drag all of my and Mitch's bags across the airport because he's holding Asher. Definitely not.

We finally sat on the plane. Mitch sat at the window with Asher, I sat in the middle, the end ticket still hadn't arrived. I held Mitch's free hand waiting for the plane to leave the ground. My gaze through the window was interrupted at the sound of someone sitting down behind me. I groaned, I hate sitting next to strangers on flights, some of them can be so weird. I turned to see them.

A young girl was sat next to me, probably around fifteen years old. She smiled but after just a split second her eyes widened and she gasped. "Hi. My name's Leah." She greeted timidly. She stuck out her hand and I took it happily.

"I'm Scott but judging by the look on your face." I laughed and she smiled.

"Of course I know who you are! Where's Mitch?" She giggled.

"Present." Mitch's words came out very tired and slurred. I leaned forward so she could see a very sleepy Mitch's face resting on the seat.

Leah giggled at him, covering her mouth with her hands. "So where's the rest of the group?" She leaned around her seat, looking around at the passengers.

I tapped her shoulder so she'd face me again. "Actually they're taking another flight and meeting us there. Kirstie was going to go with Mitch and I but you got the ticket before her."

"I'm sorry." Leah whispered.

"Oh no! It's fine don't worry! I think the other flight was cheaper. And she wanted Mitch and I to have alone time anyways." I muttered.

"What?" She tilted her head to the side.

Oh great. Nice job Scott. No one was suppose to know, yet. We were thinking about telling the fans this tour. You could have just blown it all. Nice. "Hey um, listen. I need to tell you something but you have to promise that like an honorary pentaholic you won't say anything or post on any social media. Got it?" She put her right hand over her heart and nodded her head. I leaned foreword to her ear and whispered, "scömìche, it's real." I moved back from her ear.

Her eyebrows shot up and her jaw dropped slightly. "Really? Omg I shipped it! I can't believe your finally canon, boyfriends!" She cheered.

"Well not boyfriends. And not really finally either." Her head tilted again like a puppy. I reached behind me and gently took a sleeping Mitch's hand and pulled it in front of me, pointing to the ring. "Mitch and I got married. About two years ago actually. I think we're telling everyone this tour. You're getting the exclusive."

Her face lit up again. "This is absolutely amazing. I have no words."

I smiled at her cuteness. "Well it gets better." I leaned back to reveal Asher in Mitch's lap. I took him into my arms. "This, my friend, is our son Asher Paul Grassi-Hoying." She just stared speechless. "Don't tell anyone okay?"

She nodded. "I'm actually going to your first concert this tour. I couldn't get VIP passes but I guess that's okay now!" She chuckled.

"Hold on." I took my phone from my pocket. I pulled up our manager in my contacts. Leah turned her head the other way. "No, no, you can see it's nothing private." I laughed. I sent him a message that read; Hey! Bringing a friend with me to the first concert. I want her to get behind stage with us. "There you go. I'm taking you with me, for keeping our secret." I held out my pinky finger. Hers locked with mine and we shook on it before bursting into laughter.

Let's Talk: The Discussion Continues(Mitch Grassi and Scott Hoying Story)Where stories live. Discover now