Past Changes

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Being Draco Malfoy and dating the Boy Who Lived had its ups and downs, as Draco had learnt in the last 2 years. Reporters were everywhere they went, both of them had large post hauls most days, and with 4 kids to cope with, there wasn't much time for just two of them. Even both teaching at Hogwarts had its toll on them both, Harry being worshipped almost every minute of his day, which he hated, and Draco almost the opposite, being sneered at and called a Death Eater by students who weren't old enough to have been alive during the war.

After Ginny and Harry had had their three kids, after 15 years of an on and off relationship and a short marriage, they'd split and had chosen to have a divorce as both had realized they weren't made for each other. Ginny of course, being made for Quidditch, had been offered a position on the Holyhead Harpies team. This meant that she barely had time for her children or Harry, so she barely saw the kids unless it was a birthday or Christmas. It had been up to Harry to look after them, which didn't change much in his lifestyle as he'd realized that being an Auror wasn't really for him so he'd decided to try taking his N.E.W.Ts which he'd been able to do, by studying at home whilst keeping an eye on the three kids. After receiving all O's and EE's in his exams, Harry had been offered the position of DADA professor at Hogwarts and had happily taken the position, happy to be back at the place where he belonged.

Draco, on the other hand, after his trial, had led a happy life for a few years after the war. Marrying a Slytherin pureblood named Astoria Greengrass, they'd lived happily and had together had their son Scorpius. Sadly, Astoria had died just 3 days after giving birth to the little blond boy who Narcissa had helped to bring up. Widowed, and with no other choice, Draco had also become a stay at home dad, choosing to take his N.E.W.Ts to be able to procure a job when his son was old enough. And he'd procured a job, the position of Potions professor at Hogwarts when Scorpius was 6. They'd taken up lodgings within the walls of the castle, Minerva McGonagall being persuaded to let Scorpius stay with his father.

James Sirius, the oldest of Harry's kids, was coming up to age 13 and was happily settled into Hogwarts, following in his father's footsteps in the Gryffindor corner of the school, whilst Albus Severus had written home to tell his father at the beginning of his first year that he'd been sorted into Slytherin with his new best friend, a certain Scorpius Malfoy. Both being nearly 12, they'd both settled slightly less happily in the underground Slytherin dungeons under the lake. Lily Luna, age 10, had taken her mother's hair but had her father's emerald eyes. Within the next year, she was expecting her letter to Hogwarts to join her brothers.

Scorpius' blond hair was an exact replica of his father's and already, at only age 11 and a half, had two shelves full of hair products in his bedroom at home. He had even inherited the Malfoy drawling tone that wasn't heard as often as it had been. Also having the Malfoy family's pointy chin and nose, he was almost an exact miniature of his father, with the exception of his mother's rounder lips and eyes. Being an only child, he had been brought up by his father and grandmother whom, having made peace with her sister Andromeda, took Scorpius to see his 2nd cousin at least once a week so he would at least learn to interact nicely with his family.

Teddy had, at first, wound Scorpius up by changing his hair to be an exact copy of his cousin's but as they'd got to know each other, Teddy had changed tactics to becoming Draco, Narcissa and at one point even a certain Harry Potter had been created. Harry, being Teddy's godfather, had appeared sometimes whilst Narcissa was there with Scorpius, and the two had become quite good friends. Scorpius adored Harry and was permitted to call him "Uncle" Harry. Draco, after hearing of the strange friendship that his mother had struck up with the younger man, had started coming along to the weekly get together's and was enjoying actually getting to know the brown haired man who'd been his arch-nemesis all those years ago.

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