Gryffindor Parties?

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Camping out in their children's dormitory wasn't exactly Draco's idea of fun but Harry had made him curious as to what they'd done. Surely they hadn't known partitioning spells just yet? However, as Draco remembered who had started the sneaking, Teddy was in fact old enough to have learnt partitioning spells in Charms with Flitwick. Rosie knowing must have meant that she'd somehow got into the boys- no, wait, they didn't have segregated boys and girls rooms anymore, unless agreed and asked specifically by the students of that year group. Upon coming back for Eighth year, their year had been the first to encounter the new regime of mixed housing and dorm sharing. They hadn't fully got rid of the house system, but it wasn't such a strict policy anymore, more being used so students had a dorm room to go back to if they weren't elsewhere and of course the points for houses and Quidditch teams.

He and Harry had walked to dinner together like they did every other day of the year, and had taken their places as normal at the teacher's table. At the end of dinner, Draco had spotted Scorpius, along with Al, sneaking over towards the Gryffindor table just at the time that they had been told to go to their own dorms for the night. They obviously had some kind of arrangement with the other Gryffindors, who hadn't batted an eyelid, or told them to go back to their own dorms. He'd nudged Harry and they'd watched their boys walk out of the Hall together, a sleepy James on Teddy's back, Scorp and Al walking next to them. He and Harry had walked slowly back to their own quarters, Harry to grab his invisibility cloak, and Draco to grab a fresh mug of coffee and some warmer clothes.

Upon entering the Gryffindor common room, the two men had been treated to the rare sight of an upper years party. From what the two could see, it was more of a movie and popcorn party, a pajama party, Harry thought. He rather missed the 'parties' that the Gryffindors had thrown, especially those after a game of Quidditch. Fred and George had been the founders of those parties, the chief mischief makers of the school at the time they'd been there. George had hidden himself away after the war, retreating into his shell, finding it hard to cope with the death of his brother. Fortunately, Neville, surprisingly enough, had been the one to pull him back up, and a few months afterwards, the two had announced their relationship. George's mental health had got so much better that he'd started revamping the shop and creating new products, rather than just making more of the old products that he and Fred had created together. Both Neville and George had been left with PTSD after the war and had been to therapy together, meaning that they helped each other more than their therapist had, and Neville had gently persuaded George back into creating joke items in honor of Fred's memory.

Smirking at the unbelieving glance that Draco shot him, Harry cast a quick muffliato on the Gryffindors. "This is what Gryffindor parties are like? I can't believe this. One day I'll come in and teach them how to party properly, just you wait and see." The scandalized tone that Draco was using only caused Harry to laugh harder. "Why, were the Slytherin ones any better? Sneaking into the potions rooms to create some kind of hair product?" The tips of Draco's ears had gone red, which Harry took to mean that he'd hit the nail on the head. That was until Draco turned to him, tears of laughter running down his cheeks. "Dear Merlin, no! We had actual parties, with nice sandwiches and cucumber, carrot and celery sticks, sometimes there was even treacle tart! And for your information Mr Potter, we ordered our hair products from home before we came back from summer." Harry put his hands up in mock surrender and the two walked onwards, Harry guiding the blonde haired man in the correct direction. As they approached their boys' dorm, all the two could hear was Albus' quiet laughter as Teddy's indignant tone rang out.

Draco was so focused on trying to hear what the boys were saying that he didn't notice Harry sending his patronus into the room, as a quick warning that they were there and about to enter the room. Harry quickly silenced the door knob so that the boys would hear as it started turning but would fall quiet as soon as he and Draco entered the room. "And then," Scorpius gasped, tears rolling down his face. "Father says 'oh for goodness sake, not again' and he disappears, presumably to go find Harry because that's the kind of silly father he is!" Harry glanced over towards Draco, only to see that Draco's face had gone rather red. "And the next time I see him, he's all over Harry, like a protective little wife, clucking around making sure he's comfortable and making soothing noises. It was quite a wonder that neither of them worked out how they felt beforehand, if I'm perfectly honest." Albus nodded, tears of laughter running down his cheeks. "Okay boys, time for bed now!" Victoire Weasley's gentle voice sounded from outside the room, and the two men watched as Teddy gently maneuvered himself into bed, being careful as to not waking the sleeping James. Scorpius bounced over from the bed he'd been sitting on to curl up beside Al, leaving two spare beds.

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