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Tell me is it beautiful up there in the clouds, how are the angels? I wonder if I'm the only fallen angel, who knows maybe I'm not, but who are you thinking of? Maybe family, I didn't have anyone, they all left me when I was only 5, how about friends?...OH me no no I only had one friend he's name was hollow but he left me too yea I know it's kinda sad but hey I'm talking to you right? See.....RIGHT I didn't tell you my name yet haven't I? Well my name...ummm I know some of it just my first name though and that's really it heh....I'm not real though I'm just a person inside your little head..hmmm you think I'm real HAH that's funny I'm just a FALLEN ANGEL I can't be real, can I?
You want to know my name? Well that's easy it's  Cloud Fallen

I know how you feel wondering how angels are but your really dead hahaha...I feel like I can be alive again don't chu, seeing people run around like they were meant to be alive? Maybe I can be free from this prison too?
Fallen angels are supposed to be gods and guardians but Who am I? I know I'm not supposed to be those things but I do have a purpose in life right...?
hey wanna find out what's going to happen to me well let's go on a Journey and find out😄
See you soon my old friend

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