Support for a follower !

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Hello Guys,

Several days ago i got a message from a follower of mine
He is a writer and participates in a contest, he asked me if i could tell you guys about it, so that is what I'm doing

Like i said before he participates, with his book „Mystify Me", in a writers contest that takes place on another website
He needs followers there to win the contest, so what to you think guys ?
I would say let's help him reach the top !

Here are the links to the website where the competition takes place and his personal Wattpad page:

Competition page:



Just copy the link and go on the website, log yourself in and click „follow"

He will post round about 10 Chapters (7 are already posted) of the original Book on his Wattpad page so if you wan't, check that out too!

Just to be clear, i definitely don't wan't to force you to do anything !
I just wanted to help him because he is a damn got writer !
And i can definitely recommend his book :D

So guys, I hope we can help him :D
And thank you to everyone who helps and in general to all my supporters !💕

I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes!

Lots of Love,

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