Chapter 8: new beginnings and fury's old secret

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It had been three years since the breach was sealed by fury and he was living happly in the shatterdone with the other jeagers and pilots with a few extra's like fury and gipsy's son gipsy tempest and striker and thunder's daughter striker eurunder and furys pilots had there child aswell which was a boy who they named yancy becket parker which raleigh was very gratefull for and newton well he left the shatterdome and went to work for shao to create the jeager hybrids so that they could hold a kaiju until a jeager gets there but his plan had been put into action already.

during the first weeks of summer marshall stacker had pasted away and pasted his marshall place onto herc who was happy to make the old marshalls request come true.

Later during the summer shao was to show her jeager hybrids to the world at sydney but asked for three of jeagers to stand as guard just incase a rouge jeager appeared which is a rare occasion but herc sent gipsy danger and avenger along with fury as herc said fury was in charge of the jeagers when there out on the field but there son wasnt too happy about his parents leaving him with striker but he did like thunder and striker eurunder as bith of them had gained the jeager human hybrid but while all this was happening the three jeager were being arriving at sydney
Herc: mrs shao this is marshall hercules hanson my three jeager are arriving now
Shao: thank you marshall though i doubt we will need them
Shao then ended the call and herc signed
Back in sydney fury looked around as he dropped of the chains that he nearly fell over gipsy and avenger found it quite funny as did fury but all talking and laughing stopped as shao spoke
Shao: thank you all for coming today and before we start i would like thank marshall hercules hanson for sending these three jeagers
Shao didnt know about there human side or how they could talk out loud
Shao: now let me introduce you too these three jeagers and there pilots so firstly jake pentacost and nate lambert piloting gipsy avenger next we have the world know pilot raleigh becket with mako mori and there jeager gipsy danger and lastly the jeager resposeable for the breachs closure fury tempest piloted by rees parker and amara namani
There was around of claps for the jeagers and pilots, within the con pods of the jeagers there was a private channel for the six to speak through
Jake: hah fame found me at last
Amara: god dont let it go to your head
Nate: i agree with amara
Rees: i second it
Jake: oh come really what about you raleigh
Raleigh: sorry kid but i agree with them
Jake: mako sister you agree with me right
Mako: no
Rees: haha shut down but i also agree with them
Fury: same here
Gipsy: i also agree
Jake: seriously come on avenger im your fav pilot
Avenger:that can change
Jake: ugh fine
Then a warning alarm ripped through the con pods
Rees: loccent we have a rouge jeager sensor permission to engage sir
Herc: hold on fury let me make a quick call
They wait while herc rang one of the events organizers to warning the people below
Organsizer: so sorry to interupt but a rogue jeager is here and the jeagers need room to move
So everyone move into the near builds so they could watch
Herc: fury this loccent your all clear
Fury: ok loccent right avenger you gaurd this building with gipsy while me and crew investage this rogue jeager
Gipsy: fury please be careful
Fury noded when rees cane across the com
Rees: hey fury you thinking what im thinking
Fury: im in your head kid
Rees: good so lets add abit of armin into our walk
Fury: great idea
Amara: is it wrong for me to agree
Rees: haha shes learning fury
Gipsy: fury dont you never mind
Fury had already started walking toward the rogue jeager when a barrage of missles where fired in the distance
Fury: gipsy avenger four missle out of eight heading you way make sure nons hit that building
Avenger: will do
Gipsy: wait four out of eight where the other four
Rees: buried in fury armour
Amara: were good though oh shit rees brace your self
Next minutes fury was flying over head toward the building gipsy and avenger where at
Raleigh: with fury mass there know way we can stop him gips
Gipsy: yes there is look
Gipsy and avenger looked at fury to see him roll into a ball and stop in a crouch postion in front of the two jeagers
Fury: loccent requesting striker eureka and tsunami thunder on scene
Herc: all ready on route fury ETA 5 minutes
Rees: well we hold this some of a bitch then activate chain sword
Gipsy: wait you dont have chain swords im the only one
Mako: was gips fury requested to have a part of you weapon selection as his own and visa versa
Gipsy: wait so what do i have from his weapon selection
Fury: all of them babe all upgraded to mark 6 spec
Raleigh: mako im offically in love with fury
Mako: oh and you dont love me
Gipsy: or me
Raleigh: i..erm so fury how the rogue jeager battle going
Jake: haha nice save
Herc: fury striker n thunder on scene
Fury: they must of seen them coming wait WAIT BABE MOVE YOU HEAD MISSLE INBOUND
gipsy notice it a second to late as it collide with the right side of her con pod injuring mako and make her loose the handshake with her pilots
Herc: choppers inbound she be ok raleigh
Fury: sir ive had a message come through
Herc: who from
Fury: erm mako two minutes ago requesting that me and gipsy danger go to erm
Gipsy: go where bab
Raleigh: achorage shatterdome
Fury: yeah it says that there is some kaiju activity in the area
Herc: fury: how long for you to run that distance from a last known location
Rees: depends on location sir wait no i cant he cant they both cant
Raleigh: what what
Amara: last known location is erm yours or gipsy last known location
Gipsy: what the beach
Fury: no no before that
Raleigh: yancy's death that the last known location because the last plasma cannon shot fried the signal
Rees: raleigh we can do this only besides mako need you
Raleigh: furu whats the real reason she is sending you this message
Fury stayed silent as he knew something the even his pilots didnt know
Rees: fury your hiding something
Amara: come on bab you can tell us
Fury: after i heard of yancy's death and the fall of gipsy danger did any of you hear of my disappearace for a good couple of days
Rees: yes me and amara had to pilot cherno as sasha had a broken arm
Fury: well my disappearace was because i went seaching for yancy's remains
Raleigh: what why
Fury: raleigh ever wonder why you suits back then were white
Raleigh: yeah but what that got to do with anything
Amara: kaiju at that time feared white the most
Fury: right but you suits where also waterproof and they floated which meant when knifehead threw yancy he sunk because of gipsy gear still attached to him
Gipsy: right fury where are you going with this
Fury: ugh when the kaiju werent attackinh us they were attack achorage shatterdome
Gipsy: why thought
everyone was quiet until raleigh spoke up
Raleigh: so you telling me that my brother and co pilot has been alive and piloting another jeager by himself
Rees: no raleigh he had a copilot
Raleigh: and who was that
Rees: my sister
Amara: wait you have a sister
Rees: yes recall in the drift amara the girl name charlotte
Amara: yes
Rees: well thats my sister and yancys copilot
Raleigh: so who are the other crews and jeager
Fury: there isnt any more it only yancy, charlotte and there jeager
Raleigh: who is
Fury: gipsy danger
Raleigh: but shes here
Fury: you didnt let me finish i was going to say gipsy danger mk2
Raleigh: so yancy has a jeager name after his orginal one and rees sister is his copilot how long have you know this you two
Fury and rees sighed
Rees: 15 years raleigh from the day you two lost him
Fury: babe you ok you havent spoken
Gipsy: my orginal copilot is alive and my boyfriend has known for 15 years im alittle pissed to be fair
Fury sighed
Fury: loccent this is jeager fury im going alone
Herc: but what about gipsy and raleigh
Fury looked at gipsy as she stared at him with a glare
Fury: raleighs staying with mako and gipsy well i guess im going alone
Rees: right buckle up amara
Fury: rees i said alone
Fury the ejected his safety pod which contained his pilots
Rees: wait fury you cant go alone what happens if the rogue jeager shows up
Fury: kill or be killed
Gipsy then realised what fury was doing and she regretted shouting at him
Gipsy: fury im sorry please dont go
Fury: sorry gipsy but you know better than anyone that once ive made my mind it isnf being changed
Gipsy: but what about our son he needs his dad
Fury: raleigh you still strapped it gipsy
Raleigh: yeah why
Fury: stop her
Herc: choppers ETA 2 minutes fury you coming or you going to achorage
Gipsy gave one last look to fury and she knew he wasnt coming
Fury: sorry sir im going so i guess im classed as a rogue jeager
Herc: thats out of my hands fury just know we will all be here when you return
Fury: if i do so i guess ill see you all later raleigh make sure mako and gipsy are ok
Raleigh: will do but will you be coming back solo
Fury: thats a maybe there rals and gipsy
Gipsy looked at fury and even though she was in jeager form fury could tell she was on the brink of tears
Fury: im sorry gipsy but ive got to do this
Gipsy: just come back to me to us were you family you know
Fury: i know and loccent one last thing
Herc: whats that
Fury: is my son in the room
Tempest: yes dad
Fury: hey theres my boy im going to be gone for a while so you look after mommy for me
Tempest: will do dad but please bring uncle yancy and autie charlotte home
Fury: ill try now if you need any help who do you go to
Tempest laughed
Tempest: chuck
Fury: noooo not thst twat you go to uncle raleigh or auntie mako and possiable herc you know what anyone besides chuck
Chuck: hey what i do to you
Fury: nothing chucky
Fury walked away as the other for jeagers got airlifted back to the shatterdome
Fury heard mako talk quietly through the coms
Mako: bring yancy,charlotte and danager mk2 home
Fury: yes ma'am and please rest
Mako: will do fury good luck
Amd with that fury started his long helpcopter flight to gipsys last known location
To be continued

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