The Demon King Verses the Dragon King

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"I draw!" Cyndy says, looking over the field before acting.

"Be careful, we don't know what he might be able to do next turn, so we have to be prepared," Sagittarius says calmly, looking over at his duel partner.

"Don't think I'm incompetent! I set the pendulum scale with scale 2 Igknight Crusader to scale 7 Igknight Templar! I Pendulum summon! from my extra deck, Igknights Squire, Margrave, Cavalier, and from my hand, level 3 Red Resonator! Quick play spell card activate! Igknights Unite! I destroy one igknight card on the field to special summon one Igknight from my deck! I destroy Igknight Squire and special summon level 8 Igknight Champion!"

the effect of Dueltaining activated again, and Cyndy smiles, drawing her two cards.

"Spell card activate, Back up Rider! this allows me to increase one monsters ATK by 1500! So now, Igknight  Champion is at 4300 ATK! Attack Zarc!"

"Ah, my one weakness," Fue laughs, "being destroyed by battle, too bad I wont let that happen! Trap card activate, Negate Attack! that ends your battle phase,"

"Then ill play one card face down and tune level 3 Red Resonator to level 5 Igknight Cavalier! Synchro summon! Arise level 8! Ingster Prominence the Bursting Dracoslayer!

A monster in red armor appears, slashing the air with a burning hot sword attached to its hand like it has been there for years.

"I end my turn by activating my pendulum monsters effects, and ill add Igknight Crusader to my hand, your move Sagittarius," Cyndy says with an optimistic look in her eye, ready to fight.

"We need to lower his life points as much as possible, and at 20,200 life points, that wont be easy.... but ill do it," Sagittarius mutters a bit. "I draw! I activate the effect of D/D Swirl Slime in my hand! I can Fusion Summon a D/D/D Fusion monster by using monsters in my hand as materials! I fuse D/D Swirl Slime to D/D Berfomet! Combine to one and Cumbust! Arise king of fire, level 6, D/D/D Flame King Genghis! Now ill normal summon level 3 tuner monster D/D Nighthowl! Once normal summoned, D/D Nighthowl allows me to special summon one monster in my graveyard, so arise again, level 4 D/D Berfomet! I tune level 4 D/D Berfomet to level 3 D/D Nighthowl! Arise a king who controls the winds! Synchro summon! Level 7, D/D/D Gust King Alexander! Now I set the Pendulum scale with Scale 1 D/D Savant Galilei to scale 10 Savant Kepler! I can now simultaneously summon monsters between the levels of 2 through 9! But first, I activate D/D Swirl Slimes effect, banishing it, I can special summon one D/D monster from my graveyard! be born again D/D Berfomet! Pendulum summon! Arise from my hand, level 4 D/D Cerberus, and level 8 D/D/D Oblivion Abyss King Ragnarok! I overlay my two level 4 monsters in order to build the overlay network and Xyz summon! Arise the king of the sea! Rank 4, D/D/D Wave King Caesar! two cards face down and ill activate the spell card, Dark Contract of the Swamp King! I fuse D/D/D Wave King Caesar to D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok! Become one, a monster of pure energy of the sea! Fusion Summon, arise level 10, D/D/D Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok! Battle Phase! Attack Zarc, triggering its effect! I return Dark Contract with the Swamp King to my hand and target your Clear Wing, equipping it to Caesar Ragnarok, increasing its ATK by 2500! my monsters ATK is now at 5700! Destroy it!"

Caesar Ragnarok charged at Zarc, taking it down in a brilliant fashion.

Fue Life Points: 18,500

"Jesus Christ," Cyndy curses looking at awe at Sagittarius, shocked from all he did on his turn. "How the hell...?"

"I'm considered a genius. I can master anything I put my mind to, including dueling," Sagittarius says coldly.

"People... no.... Scum like you are why I'm here, why Zarc exists, why you all are going to perish in this world while I survive! All those who follow the lead of the Supreme King shall live to survive this world! you who oppose? well, lets just say this king looks down on.... usurpers. When Zark is destroyed, I can place it In a pendulum zone! Continuous trap card activate! Pendulum Switch! hehehe now you wont stand a chance Sagittarius Galax, cause now its my turn next, and there isn't anything you can do," Fue says accusingly, glaring at Cyndy and Sagittarius coldly as Zarc roars, destroying more from its pendulum zone.

"ill direct attack with Flame King Genghis and Gust King Alexander!" Sagittarius gestures out as Fue flinches from the attacks.

Fue Life Points 14,000

"And with that, I end my turn,"


"Luna quickly!" Leo says as Luna speeds up on the duelrunner to reach the ever disintegrating city.

"I know! Are you any better Leo?" Luna asks as they turn the corner to the direction of the Fusion faction headquarters, "Oh shit!!"

Luna quickly hit the breaks before reaching the giant, road blocking rubble stacked on the road from a Zarc rampage, leaving no way through.

"How are we going to....?" Luna starts as Leo grabs his Duel disk and runs at the rubble, jumping and making it to the other side.

"Oh... ok... two questions answered..." Luna says to herself as she follows suit.


"I'll make sure this is short and sweet, so I can start destroying more of this world," Fue says, getting ready, "I draw! I'll summon the pendulum monster Odd-eyes Persona Dragon, and activating Pendulum Switches effect, I get Zarc back! Now.... Ill attack you Cyndy! Zarc, attack Ingster prominence!"

"Trap card activate! Kings Sychro! If my opponent declares an attack on a synchro monster I control, I can negate the attack, and banish the synchro monster and one tuner from my graveyard and synchro summon a monster with a total level of those two monsters, which is 10! I tune level 2 flare resonator to level 8 Ingster Prominence! Arise! A king of all Red Dragons, burn away your adversaries and win! Reverse Synchro summon! level 10, Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity!"

"Heheheh, quick play spell card, Double or nothing," Fue says laughing.

"No...NO!!" Cyndy says looking at Sagittarius.

"Zark can attack again, and this time, its ATK is double! So welcome an 8000 ATK monster!" Fue glares. "Destroy Flame King Genghis!"

"Continuous trap card activate! D/D/D Contract Change! I banish one D/D/D monster in my graveyard and reduce your monsters ATK by my monsters ATK! Banishing Wave King Caesar, your monsters ATK is reduced to 6000!" Sagittarius says swiftly.

"tch... no matter! Destroy Flame King Genghis!" Fue says louder as Zarc Destroys it in a bright blast.

Sagittarius life points: 2000

"And since I destroyed a monster, I'm allowed to special summon one Supreme King Dragon from my deck or Extra deck! arise, Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom! I'll activate its monster effect! I target Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend, so now, my Starving Venom gains its name and effect till the end phase! Buuuut, now ill activate it! I can destroy all special summoned monsters with effects and inflict 500 points of damage for each! So be gone Gust King Alexander!"

Sagittarius life points: 1500

"You wont survive next turn Sagittarius, ill assure it," Fue says ominously, "I set one card face down and end my turn,"

--------To be continued---------

Number Hunter 10: Fusion Faction Rebellion (#Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now