Normal is tomorrow
People are always chasing it, Straining to see what it holds,
Anticipating the treasures they will find there,
But it always remains just past their outstretched fingertips
Normal is a the swimsuit portion of a beauty paegent.
points are awarded and winners are showered with
praise and adoration for being what a small group of random people
think is beautiful.
Normal is holding water in your hands.
With enough effort, if you devote all your attention
and concentration to the task you can hold it for a short while,
But in the end you only end up with wet hands.
Forget tomorrow!
I choose to keep my eyes, ears and mind here & now
so as not to miss the wonders around me.
To Hell with beauty,
both the contestants and their fans waste their lives
on trying to figure out something that is
unique and personal to every person on this planet.
Hand me a towel,
because I need my hands dry if I want to create
something solid and worth holding
I know there are consequences for following my own path
and I willingly accept them as payment for my freedom.
Freedom from the herd of people who are being prodded along
on a smooth path with their eyes on tomorrow.
And following your own path is never the easy way.
It is thick with thorny bushes and endless obstacles
you could never have imagined before you left.
And in the end you reach the same destination as everyone else
who began this journey.
But the people you meet along the way, just like you,
will have amazing stories to tell and countless adventures to share,
and will never need to remind people that once, long ago,
they threw a ball closer to a stick than anyone else.