Chapter 1: The Secret Hideout

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In the year 3083 in the planet of Mars, the Courageous Battlers brought their children to the secret hide out.

"Kids we think its time for us to give you the secret hideout, Beth's dad said."

" Why is he giving it to usalready? Beth thought, I mean we're only 14 and we don't even know how to fight yet..."

"Uh...not to interrupt or anything Mr.Tezuka, but aren't we a little too young to be having the secret hideout to ourselves?"

"That is an excellent question Chris, you see uhm... your parents and I are planning to have a vacation in New Miami, he lied. And we really need to rest from all the hero stuff we've been doing."

"Right so uh does that mean we get to use the Weapons of Zergon? he asks excitedly."

"Absolutely you guys can do anything you want in here but just remember You have to be responsible. Okay?

"Sure Mr.Tezuka I swear that we will be responsible for everything we do. Chris said with assurance in his voice."

"Bye kids we have to go now I have to discuss something with your parents, he said"

"Bye sweetie I'll miss you, Chris's mom said while hugging him."

"I'll miss you too mom, he said"

"Now remember Wallow you need to take care of all the alien creatures you keep bringing in here, Wallow's dad said"

"And make sure if there's something wrong with them like if they're sick you won't do surgery. You will only do it if necessary, Wallow's mom said slowly."

"Yeah mom I know I won't do surgery unless necessary you keep reminding me that, he said at the same time he rolled his eyes."

"Okay, she said with suspicion in her voice."

"We'll miss you too Danny I'll give you my CB communicator so you can talk to your father and I while we're gone, Danny's mom said giving him the communicator."

"Gee thanks mom I'll miss you too dad, Danny said."

"Now, before we go Beth there's something I wanted to give you and your friends, Beth's dad said while holding the small wrapped packages."

"Whoa we have gifts too? Danny said."

"What are those dad? Beth said."

"You'll have to open them and see for yourselves, he said smiling"

He gave the small gifts to Beth, Chris, Wallow and Danny. To his surprise they didn't know what it is.

"What are these Mr.Tezuka? Chris said"

"Those are your own sticker belts you have to wear them to work he said."

They wore the belts across their stomach.

"Then now what? Danny said"

"Rub it a little hard, he said"

After they rubbed it something something came out.

"Whoa its a yellow dog, Danny exclaimed."

"I got a red cat and wallow has a blue eagle, Beth said while holding the cat."

"And I got a green bumblebee, Chris said."

"Those are your sticker pets they can change into weapons if you're ever in trouble he said."

"Thanks dad we really appreciate it, Beth said"

"Thank youuuu Mr.Tezuka you're the best!!!"

"Your welcome I'm glad you liked it now we should really be going."

"Bye kids! their parents said in unison."

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