Pretty Cute ( Jin X Reader ) pt.1

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Your P.O.V

" Jin !? "

" y/n ?! "

Oh my god , why the hell did I have to see him here ?!

Who the hell is that ?

" I-in a minute hun ! " jin yells.

Oh .. his girlfriend I suppose..

" y/n , I haven't seen you since- "

" yeah I know , it's been too long " I say smiling patting his back.

" you look great ! " he says smiling back.

" aish no I don't , look at you though ! You're so handsome " ( lolol )

" ahh stop it "

" soo i was thinking- "

" K I M S E O K J I N "

" better get going or else your girlfriend's gonna get mad " I say backing away.

" y-you're right , look let's hangout one day , just you and me my number is ( insert number because I'm lazy to put one lolol ) "

" alright " I say waving at jin,

He waves back and runs back into the restaurant.

Back then , I had a huge ass crush on him , he was my best friend , but he got taken away by his " girlfriend ".

Somethings I wonder why he's dating her.

We're out of high school now and he's still with her.

I walk back to my home and walk into my living room.

Sucks living alone , gotta tell you that.

but then my phone suddenly rings.

jungkook: hey y/n , just wondering if you got back home safe ^_^

ahh jungkook is so cute.

you : yeah i did , just ran into one of my high school friends that's all

jungkook: oh really ? i forgot most of mine ! well i gtg practice ttyl

i read the text message then sigh.

i do miss jin , but not in a friend way if you know what i mean.

unknown: hey it's jin !

a number pops up on my screen as i smile.

you: hey dude !

i wait a few seconds until he responds.

jin😍: sorry my girlfriend was a little angry at me because she saw me talking to you.

you: oh no i understand why , you two are cute.

jin😍: ah thank you , but me and her are having some issues. i don't have the time to tell you everything but.. i'm on the verge of breaking up with her. don't get me wrong i really do love her but i just keep hurting her and i hate seeing her like this. maybe it wasn't meant to be. :(

i reread his message over and over thinking on how to respond. yeah i still like him , half of my  heart is telling me to tell him to break up with her but part of me feels bad. i hate seeing him sad i really do.

you: if it isn't working out like you want to , then i suggest you " take a break from her " you know honestly think about breaking up with her and give it some time. maybe it will heal.

i hit send and run my hand through my hair. god i'm so stupid.

jin😍: yeah you're right. maybe it isn't working out. but i'll think about thank you y/n but i must go she's calling me again.

you: you're welcome :) have fun !

jin😍: oh and y/n..

you: yes ?

jin😍: you're pretty cute :) have a good night.

i squeal and fall onto my bed. he-just-called-me-cute !!

you: why thank you jin , you too. have a good night as well.

i plug in my phone into the charger and smile.

kim seokjin just called me cute.. why the hell am i acting like this.

i close my eyes and drift away sleeping rethinking that text.

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