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"Get our intelligence back!" cried the announcer.
The distant battle cries of the red team could be heard within the empty corridors of the intel room. All that was left of the blu team was the medic, and scout. They were both hiding in the intel room.
"We need to get out of here!" the medic exclaimed
"Doc, if i could i would. But we cant. We are surrounded." The scout said 

"Shit..what are we gonna do?" The medic questioned

The heavy stomping was getting closer. Soon stopping right behind them.

"Ey medic! I found somethin' hardhat uses. What is it?"

"I..do not know. I has no idea what ze engineer makes in his little room of "building". the medic turned around to see the red team.

"Oh..uh..hey there red team.." the scout panicked as the rush of thoughts came into view.

"Kill them" the spy said quietly from the red team.

Bullets, rockets, grenades all sorts of stuff flew past the medic and scout. They dove behind the desk where the intel sat. A few minuets went by before the scout put his hands in the air.

"Wait!" The scout exclaimed.

The bullets from them ceased, the click from heavys gun continued, as if he were going to shoot again.

"Don't kill us..please.." the scout begged

A faint ticking noise could be heard, soon becoming louder and louder

"What is that noise?" The scout said.

All of a sudden, a loud whoosh can be heard, and the medic and scout were gone.

Medics dont heal ScoutsWhere stories live. Discover now