14 ▷ the fall of the briggs family

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14 ▷ the fall of the briggs family

not an episode

The Briggs Estate - 1940

It was midnight when the front door of the Briggs home opened. Arabella and Theodore stumbled in, their drunken laughs filling the entire room that was once silent. "Shh." Arabella pressed a finger to Theodore's lips, remembering that Elsie, Jonah, and Ruby were upstairs, sound asleep. "What do you say I take you up to my room so we can have some fun?" Arabella whispered, her lips attaching themselves to his neck.

Theodore moaned in satisfaction while smirking, "I think that sounds like an amazing time, Miss. Salvatore."

"I'm glad you think so." Arabella whispered against his lips, before kissing him passionately. The couple continued to kiss before Theodore pinned her against the wall, Arabella moaning in satisfaction. This relationship had been a new thing for her. It was sexy and somewhat more dangerous than pure, unlike her relationship with Charlie.

Sure, with Charlie their relationship was sexual, but in someway it was childlike. They were, after all, just teenagers. With Theodore, it was sex, sex, and more sex. The relationship was still romantic and cute, but was more sexual than any of her others. Both relationship do compare though; Arabella cared and loved both of the man with all of her heart.

While developed in a heated kiss, the lights in the living room flickered on, causing the couple to tear away from each other. Both Theodore and Arabella turned to look at the doorway of the room -- between the kitchen and the living room -- where an angry Elise stood. "Do you have any idea what time it is, Missy?" Ruby asked, her hands upon her hips and her voice harsh and loud, making the drunk Arabella flinch.

"I -- I'm sorry, Ma'am." Theodore apologized, wiping his lips while he blushed in embarrassment. "I know I had Arabella out after curfew and --"

"Goodnight Theo." Elsie cut Theodore off while staring at Arabella with angry eyes.

Theodore pursed his lips together and nodded his head before turning his head to Arabella. "Goodnight darling." Theodore told Arabella before pressing a kiss to her lips. Arabella smiled at his kiss and watched as he walked out of the house.

Arabella then turned to Elsie and stared at her with angry eyes, "What was that for?"

"It's past midnight." Elsie stated with crossed arms, staring at Arabella with a scowl.


"It's past your curfew."

"I'm sorry, Mother." Arabella spat out with sarcasm. "I didn't think the curfew applied to me. Ya know, since I'm almost a hundred year old vampire who can do whatever she wants with whoever she wants. My mistake." she barked before throwing her heels on the floor.

"Cut the attitude, Arabella." Elsie replied back with a harsh tone. "I want to know why you're past curfew."

"You're not my mom, Elsie. You're my friend. I don't have to answer to you." Arabella spat out and attempted to walk past her to get to the stairs, but Elsie blocked her off, which made Arabella angry. "Elsie, move."

"I don't like that boy, Bella. Every time he's around us, I get a very bad feeling from him. He's not good." Elsie stated her opinion.

"Elsie, he's not a boy, he's a man. A very good man, in fact. Your witch senses are probably just off." Arabella sighed.

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