Chapter 2

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Jaide's POV
I walk down the quiet streets of the town, it's always quiet around this time. The sun is still bright, despite it being 7pm. I put on my headphones and start listening to music as I make my way to the cafe. I'm still not sure as to why Jongin wants to meet up in a café when we both live in the same house and could just talk there. Anyway, as I reach the café I turn off the music and put my headphones around my neck. I jog for a little to reach the café quicker, I open the door and the small bell rings. I don't have to look around a lot to find Jongin, his tan skin, dyed hair and just above average looks in general, makes him stand out. Wow, now that I think about it, I have never looked at Jongin in close detail. "Take a picture, it'll last longer", Jongin's voice snaps me out of my trance. "Ooooh, sorry. I didn't mean to stare. It just happened". I am going to die of embarrassment, geez Jaide. Jongin smiles at me and gestures me to take a seat. He's been doing that a lot, smiling at me, I mean. He's defenetly not as cold as he used to be. His smiles seem more genuine and warm, I like them. He's laughing a lot more too, he has an adorable laugh. They don't suit his "hardass, sexy man", image, his smile is too sweet and to innocent and his laugh is higher pitched and sort of like honey. He's............yeah okay sorry I don't know where all that came from, random thoughts I guess. I take a seat across from him and he turns his laptop towards me. There's several different tabs, all YouTube tabs. "Okay, so I picked some dances that I think we can pull off, they are a bit difficult but I know you can do it". He says to me and points at his laptop. I look through them and finally make up my mind. "Troublemaker by JS and HyunA, I've seen so many performances for that, that I memorized some of the steps". I tell him completely forgetting how sexual that dance is, oh well, what can I do now? Jongin smirks and says "Good choice, if it's okay with you we can start practicing when we get home. The sooner the better". I finished my homework and I don't really have anything to do so I guess. "Yeah, why not? Let's head out now though, looks like it's getting dark". I point out the window to the pinkish orange colored sky. "Damn, I didn't even notice, let's go before my mom freaks". He says standing up and picking up his laptop, I do the same and pick up my school bag. We head out the door and walk for about 2 minutes before Jongin stops in his tracks, "Crap!!! I'll be right back I left something, walk slowly I'll catch up", and with that he gave me his laptop bag and sprinted back towards the café. I laugh to myself and slowly walk towards the house, looking at the lights of all the stores and houses slowly turn on. 5 minutes later, I hear fast footsteps approaching me, knowing it was Jongin, I stop and wait for him to catch up. I open my mouth to say something but stop when I see his hand go up, signalling me to be quiet. His other hand comes from behind him, holding out a box from the café. "Here, there's one for both of us in there. We're working hard today so I thought we could have a treat afterwards also I wanted you to try it, it's sooooo goooooood. Not better than chicken but still good". He laughs as I take the box and smile at him. I can get used to this, I don't know why makes me happy to see him smile and laugh like that. We keep walking and talk about little things, like how much we hate some of our classes or teachers or our favourite foods and sweets. A cold breeze hits us and I start coughing, Jongin looks at me and gets closer. "Come here, you should always bring a jacket with you, just in case". He says and pulls me closer to his body, his arm wraps around my shoulders and my head touches part of his chest. "What?!?! You're not wearing a sweater either!!!", I say trying to hide my embarrassment. He doesn't say anything, he just smiles at me and we keep walking like that, in a comforting silence.

~1 hour later~
We made it home and the Kim's family butler served us something to eat. We ate and talked. We have talked more today than any other day, I think. "Hey c'mon, lets head to the dance studio", Jongin says and we stand from the couch and make our way there. Oh yeah, he has a dance studio in his "house", beat that.

Jongin's POV
We reach my dance studio and I connect my phone to the speaker. Jaide stretches as I do so, I quickly join her and we stretch for about 4 minutes. "My guess is that you actually know the whole dance and not just "some", as you said". I look at her, she stares at me for a moment before she starts laughing and nodding. "Thought so, okay lets get ready and remember to relax your body, that's always your problem, so just be the music okay?", I tell her and she nods at me again. I click play and rush over to her. She's gotten a lot better, she's actually REALLY good now. I am impressed. I know this is weird but I usually don't pay attention to my dance partners, it distracts me, but I can't help it. I can't help noticing how my fingers crawl up her leg, or the way her hot breath feels against my skin. I can't help but notice the way her eyes move along with how I move, or the way she moves her hips. For the ending pose we both did the most common one, I put my hands around her waist and my head close to the crook of her neck, her hands on my shoulders and head slightly turned to the side facing me. I could feel her body against mine, the way her chest heaved up and down and her breath lingered against my ear. What the fuck is happening?!?!

Jaide's POV
I'm tired and out of breath but that doesn't stop me from shivering when I feel Jongins breath on my neck or his muscles flex. We face each other, and stare, silence enveloped the room as our breathing got quieter. Jongin took a step closer and........hugged me. It took me by shock but I hugged back, his embrace was warm and comforting. The tightness of his hug and the way he buried his whole face in my neck and hair tells me he needs this. So I'll give him this, a shoulder to lean on or cry on. A person to depend on and spend time with. I'll give a friend, maybe something more.

Author's Note
Hheeeeey. It's only been 4 months hahah nothing much. I'm not sure how I feel about it but hey, I actually kind of enjoyed writing this. If you want to leave feedback plz do. Audui my friends!!

P.S: Excuse my mistakes here

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