Eveything pulls through

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Even when life seems tough there is a good outcome.

Lately I've realized my train of thought is messed up. I feel most happiest not worrying about relationships, or the future. I just like to care about know.
So for now let's talk about why most of this book has been deleted.
I've decided if I want to put myself back on the right track I need to get rid of things from the past too. Like things that make me upset. Especially since I just went through a lot and had to remove people out of my life.
So I have decided why not restart this book on a good note.

I've decided to open up a playlist book for all my playlist in the year. I've also started a new fanfiction. It gives me something to do with all of my free time instead of sitting around thinking.

Also I've made a new best friend (in this book we'll just call her olly) we've been spending most of our time together. We can deal with each other's problems, were pretty much a safe spot for each other. We call each other's mom's mom. But her dad is a teacher so it wouldn't be right to call him dad. She said she won't call my dad, dad for a while either because it's just a little strange to use.

On to school work, we just recently took a really important test. But we have 2 more for me. My grades aren't the best in ever class. I struggle to keep them up but that's ok because I somehow seem to pull through.
My favorite subject is probably theatre. And y'all are probably like "well that's not a subject" well to me it is because when I graduate that's what I want to do.

I can't really think of anything else to write at them moment so I'll just leave y'all with that.

I hope y'all have a great night or day, whichever time it is when you are reading this.

Thank you so much for your continued support. XOXO

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