Training #2

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Whoo~ an update!


You struggled to catch your breath and saw Naruto fall down once again. You had the highest mark out of you Sasuke and the blond but you weren't sure if it would stay that way for much longer as you were loosing energy. 'It's like they never give up...' You thought and looked up the tree wondering how much longer it would take. 'If i wanna stand a chance against Kyoya though, i'm gonna have to do a lot better at this exercise.' Looking over to Emiri's tree you hear a sudden cry of joy and saw the red head running down the tree. When reached the ground she fell face first and started rolling around. "I made it to the top!" She said in between pants. "And ya ran down too, i'm starting to wonder if you are insane cause i'd be way to afraid to do that." Seeing Naruto get up out of the corner of your eye you looked over at the blond. "Shoot!" He yelled and you giggled. "I feel the same way Naruto." You said before laying back on the ground. he walked over to Emiri and crouched down by the red head. "Hey, Emiri!" She pulled herself up off the ground and sat cross legged. Naruto brought up his hands to the sides of his mouth and said, "Can you give me some tips?" You got up and sat by them. "I'll admit i need some help too." (idk that sounds weird i still call it criss-cross applesauce from kindergarten, 'sitting cross legged' sounds painful lmao) 

Naruto brought up his hands to the sides of his mouth and said, "Can you give me some tips?" You got up and sat by them. "I'll admit i need some help too." Emiri smiled and nodded. "Very well my children i shall teach you fufufu~" 'Why Laito's laugh out of all laughs?' You thought and Emiri crossed her arms and explained the training exercise, you had known what to do but felt a bit more confident with some advice. "And (Y/N) the reason your struggling is because up until now you've had the Dojutsu activated, your underestimating the amount of chakra you have, causing you to not focus enough to your feet. You've been getting closer to it but your doing it too slow." She explained and you slowly nodded. Emiri smiled at you and poked your cheek. "And it's okay to ask Jasper, your guardian, for advice. He's there to protect and help you when i cant." You swatted away her hand and pouted. "Okay, okay..." The red head grabbed your shoulders and looked at you seriously. "I'm not messing around, don't push yourself for no reason if you have resources you can easily use. It's like if Kakashi had not used the Sharingan while fighting with Zabuza just to push himself, that would've ended badly if he did. You should learn to be a bit dependent on things so if being independent fails you can fall back on something." You stubbornly nodded and Emiri smiled at you and 'booped' your nose. "My stubborn little sister."

Walking back in front of the tree you sighed in defeat. 'Hey Jasper, you there?' you asked in your head. "Yes, Mistress?" You heard a mature male voice say. 'Hey don't call me Mistress just call me (Y/N).' you said pouting and Jasper replied in a apologetic tone. "I'm sorry, (Y/N), but what is it you need?" You tapped your chin. 'Well.. really just some help with what amount of chakra i should be using to try and walk up the tree.' You explained and there was a pause. "Well, try focusing chakra and i'll tell you when it is enough." He said and you nodded in agreement. "Okay." You said aloud and formed a hand sign, focusing chakra to your feet. There was a moment of silent so you tried focusing a larger amount of chakra. "That should be enough." Jasper said and you nodded slowly walking forward and up the tree, when you got past the last marker you had you started running up the tree. Getting to the top you clung to the branches and looked all around. "Thanks Jasper." You said smiling and he replied with a your welcome. Climbing back down you saw Kakashi was talking with Emiri. "What's wrong?" You asked walking over to the two and Kakashi turned to you. "I was going to send Emiri to go guard Tazuna since she's finished her training, and now that you have would you like to go with her?" You shrugged, "Sure." You said and Kakashi nodded. "Okay, he might be at the bridge already but i would check at the house first to be sure." You gave a thumbs up and a smile. "Okay~" You said and started running towards the house. "Hey (Y/N) wait for me you goofball!" Your sister yelled and you laughed, running faster. "Never!" You yelled determined and the red head started yelled at you to slow down before you run into a tree.

~~~Extra Scene!~~~

'She's so cute.' Kakashi thought before looking at the two boys who watched your form retreat into the woods. Sasuke looked at Naruto and glared. "I'll win for sure, being first to finish the training between you and me and (Y/N) will love me." Naruto stuck his tongue out at the ravenette. "Nu-uh, (Y/N) hates you and i'm way more better than you Sasuke! Or should i say duckbutt!" Sasuke again glared at the blond. Kakashi sweat-dropped at his students behaviors, but we all know he was really thinking how he would be the one to win your heart.


I really wanna add some Kakashi moments but i cant find the right moments, i shall but one in the next chapter no matter what! And i'm sorry for the short uneventful chapter ;-;

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