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A young teenage girl’s life drastically changes and she realises that she has an unknown past. She decides to go and search for it with dire consequences


A resounding officious type of knock echoed from the front door. The teenage girl rose from her studies at the dining room table to answer it. She opened the door to a fresh faced young police constable, who asked.

“Mrs Elizabeth Hargreave?”

“Yes?” Said Claire almost answering the question with a question “That’s my mother but she’s not here, she’s at work. Why do you want her?”

“Can I come in?”

“Yes of course. What is it you wanted?

“Is there a Mr Hargreave?”

“No, my mother and I live alone. Will you please tell me what you want?”

” Can we sit down?” He asked “I’m afraid I am the bearer of bad news”

Claire was just over nineteen of age, born in 1991. A little tall for her age but her slimness made her tallness an asset.

She had blue eyes and dark brown wavy shoulder length hair.

If anyone had directly asked her if she considered herself beautiful, or even good looking, she would have certainly denied the fact but to others she was attractive, in a very natural and naïve sort of way.

She had just completed her 2nd year of full time education at Newcastle University studying for a Media BA degree in Applied Social Sciences. Her aim someday was to break into Television production in one way or another. A Television director at Tyne Tees Television was her ultimate dream but that vision was way too far away to even contemplate, as yet

Her grandmother Mary, until a year ago, had assisted her mum in her upbringing. Nana had often sung the old lullaby songs of yesteryear and Claire was comforted whenever she thought of her. A large part of her life ended when Nana Mary died. ‘

When Claire asked about her father mum explained that He had died in Leeds a year after Claire had been born.

Further questions as to why they had moved from Leeds to Northumberland her mother had always been very guarded in any reply. She explained that after her husband’s death she wanted a change of life and ‘Geordie land’ seemed to offer a nice peaceful life.

Claire often fantasised about her father; reasoning that because her mother had brown eyes and rather straight hair she must have got her blue eyes and wavy hair from him. Had he been tall like herself? All questions about her father had been evaded with the reply; we’ll talk about it when you are a little older.

“Will you tell me what’s happened? Why do you want to know about my mother?” Claire implored of the police officer.

“All I can say at this stage is that a lady, who had been involved in a Road Traffic Accident, was carrying a driving licence identifying her. It’s reasonable to assume that she is related to…..”

“Where is she now” she interrupted. “I’ve got to go to her.”

“She is being taken to the Wansbeck General Hospital. She may be already there by now.”

“How bad is she?” she said and was already putting on her coat and looking for her mobile phone. “I’ll have to phone for a taxi”

“No need for a taxi I have a patrol car outside I can take you there. I may need to take a statement some time later.”

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