Larry & Ziall

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Louis Tomlinson:(20) Louis is the bad boy of the town, always getting in trouble with the cops for drinking and vandalism. He loves Harry very very much, he calls Harry his Prince because Harry is everything to him. Louis is supper protective over Harry and dosn't like to take him out places because of the other people. But lately his boyfriend is starting to worry more and more about Louis. Louis is coming home  late and Harry is always having to come and get him out of jail. Louis dosn't relise the toll this is taking on him. But what happens when one day Louis came home earlier than usally and sees that Harry is not home. He tries to call and call him but no responce? And when Louis fianlly gets a call, but not from Harry but from London State Hospital? (Not a real place) 

Harry Styles:(17) Harry is the nerdy shy type of person. He is always trying to please people and help them make the right decisions. He is more on the feminine side, only being seventeen yesrs and all. People always tell him Louis is no good, that he will end up broken hearted. But Harry dosn't mind them, he loves Louis and thats all he knows. One day Harry has had enough and goes to look for Louis but ends up in a hosplitele. He had a car wreck and broke many bones. Will this be a ending straw for Him? 

NIall Horan-(20) NIall is smart, very very smart. He owns most of Londons technology stores and products. Him and his boyfriend Zayn are very wealthy. NIall is always working and never really has time for Zayn. He is always going on bissness trips and is working very loing hours. Niall dosne't see whats wrong with this. He loves Zayn to the moon and back he dosnt wanna mess up, no, he can't mess up. BUt what will happen when Niall comes home one day and Zayn is paclking up his bags, will this be the end?

Zayn Malik-(18) Zayn is stubbon but is very anti social. he likes to keep to himself, not be botheredd with the world. He is in a realationship with Londons Only, NIall Horan. But its not as good as it seeems., All Niall dose is work work work and work. He barley has time for Zyan anymore and Zayn is getting tired of it. Zayn has had enough, he packs up his bag, but he gets caught. Will he continue to leave or try again with Niall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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