Chapter 11... 'cause I'm feeling lazy.

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   Yesterday went rather smooth, except for the fact that I woke up from a three-day coma and my brother nearly killed Austin... Okay, so yesterday was total shit. But today's going nice... Well as nice as things can go in the zombie apocalypse.

   Ryan and I have taken out a couple of small hoards. The two of us looted three skyscrapers. We're starting on the fourth. "Hey, Ryan?" I call out to him once I open a door.

   "What is it?" He comes over to me. "Jesus Christ! Who was this guy?"

   I walk in, grab a few of the grenades, and few of the guns laying on the floor. "Come on, this is what we came for." I look up to him. "Is there something wrong?"

   Ryan shakes his head. "No." He starts grabbing some of the bigger weapons and points to the corner of the room. "Hey look, there's a quiver over there. Didn't you say one of the people you're gonna meet with, prefers to fight with a bow?"

   I look over to where he was gesturing. "Yeah." I stand up and shove the weapons I was carrying into a large duffel bag that was open on the floor. "I'll need five of each. If you find any others take the mags out, and toss the mags in the duffel." I nod toward the bag on the floor.

   He nods. "I wonder if this guy was planning world domination before the apocalypse, or if this guy is a survivor out on a run," Ryan says as he tosses a few mags in the bag.

   "Three mags per gun should be good," I say, grabbing the strap of the quiver and slipping it on my shoulder. "That way if it is a survivor, we don't leave him with nothing or piss him off too much."

   We loot all that we need and I leave an I.O.U note on the bed.

   "Seriously?" Ryan asks.

   "Do you want a person this set trying to kill us the rest of our short, painful lives?"

   He shakes his head and sighs a light smile on his face.

   "What?" I ask as we start to go down the stairs.

   "I'm just imagining the secretly kind-hearted person you were before."

   I laugh.

   "What?" he asks cocking his head. He acts like a puppy when all sappy.

   "You do know you're really sweet when you want to be."

   He looks away, mumbling something under his breath.


   "Oh, it's nothing."

   Yeah right. "Mh kay." I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

   We reach the lobby and stop when we see an Infected standing at the door.

   "I got this," I say as I pull out a machete. I wonder what kind of life this person lived before the infection spread across the world. As it approaches I cut it down.

   "Let's go."

   We heard a door slam from upstairs.

   "Like, now."

~Unknown POV~

   I struggled against the guy who had me pinned.

   "If you stop trying to run this won't happen again. Now stop squirming kid."

   I opened my mouth to scream.

   He clamped his hand over my mouth. So I bit him.

   He grunted and pulled out his pistol, and jabbed it into my side.

   I let out a gasp and stopped resisting.

   He relaxed a little and I took the chance to knee him in-between the legs.

   He rolled off me.

   I took this chance to escape. I stood up and rushed out of the room and to the stairwell. As I push open the door to the stairwell I trip over something. As I start to fall Someone grabs my shirt and slams the door to the stairwell shut.

   "Now. Now." A man's voice echos off the wall.

   I freeze when I realize he's the right-hand man of th-

   "Come on," The guy says as he tugs on the back of my shirt, pulling me to my feet. "We're not done with you yet... Just think what would happen to your big bro... I doubt he'd be alive if you ran."

   I feel my body start shaking. Dang, it. He told me not to show them what scared me, or they'd use it against me. My body is a freaking traitor. I look up to the guy who was holding me and it was just the man I expected. It was was a guy with white hair and purple eyes. "Y-you're.."

   "The right-hand man." He smirks. "And I'm not alone. His favorite pet is here to."

   I swallow.


   "Johnny tells me to greet people," I hear a familiar voice from behind me. "Hi, buddy's!"

   I tense up and look over my shoulder to see V with his red-orange hair and baby blue eyes. I whimper and look away when I realize he was staring at me.

   "It goes round and round."

   "Come on V... You're scaring the kid."

   "Hi, buddy's!"

   The guy holding my shirt lets go and sighs. "Why do we get stuck with the nut job?" He looks down at me. "You know not to run when V's around right?"

   I nod.

   The right-hand man leans over. "Don't worry Michael," he whispers in my ear, "My friend and I have a plan to get you out of here."

   I look at him with a questioning look.

   He subtlety winks and stands up. "Let's take you back to your room, shall we? V keep a lookout on the roof will you?"

   "Okay, buddy's!" He says as he runs up to the roof.

   We stand there until we hear the door to the roof shut.

   I turn around and look at the guy. "What?"

   He sighs. "You won't be used against your brother for long. The doctor knows that he pushed the wrong button with an old friend of your brothers. He's planning on having you taken to the hospital. During that transportation, I'm going to distract V and you're gonna run okay?"

   "Why are you helping me?" Is this a trap? Have me and my brother finally outlived our usefulness?

   "I know what the doctor is doing isn't right. I've turned a blind eye for too long." He keeps eye contact the whole time. He doesn't show any signs of lying. It might be a trap but that's a chance I'm willing to take.

   "You sound sincere."

   "I am," He says his tone unwavering.


   "We should probably head back."

   "Yeah." I don't want to trust this guy but what choice do I have.


I've recently got an editor so be prepared to
see a lot of edits on this story.
I'm sorry in advance.


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