[3]-I'll see you when I see you

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[4]-I'll see you when I see you

Naruto Uzumaki has never been felt so... despondent, his aspirations ruin, the girl he has held affection towards is getting married, and his sensei ripped, more or so walked, out from his grasp.

Naruto started to feel abandoned by his sensei and godfather, as tears start to threaten to tumble out of his tender blue eyes, Naruto smiled dolefully as he sat in his bed. Naruto thought, vigilantly I might add, he thought, "Maybe this was possible some kind of joke." or that "They don't genuienly think that right?" Naruto tried to evaluate the possibilities. Naruto tried to reanalyzed the dilemma he was in, or apending to be in with his hypothetical family.

Although he has been playing it cool for the past week he knew he was going have to do something, "Ahh, Akane was right I should just leave this village...." Naruto mumbles softly and quietly, he smiles, Akane has never really been away from him this past week she's been comforting him and helping him train how to control her chakra. Naruto may have never said it out loud but he really appreciates Akane more than she knows, his respect for her can never waver and it will only grow greater, and he is pretty sure it's the same for her towards him.

When Naruto looked at the clock and noticed it was time for hime to get up and for him to talk to Tsunade about his plan from now on, "Ok, let's get her done." Naruto groans as he rolls out of bed onto the floor.

Naruto walked a slow pace admiring his surroundings one last time before he sets his plan into motion, he knew he would have to work hard for what he was going to ask for, but he also knew it was worth the time because he was either going to willingly sacrifice his happiness or he was going to sacrifice others happiness for his own.

"Tsunade-baa-Chan, good morning." Naruto greeted calmly a complete contrast to his mind.

"Good morning brat," Tsunade greeted cautiously, she felt something bad was going to happen, but she also felt it wasn't necessarily bad but hard in some way, so she going with the cautious route, "How can I be of service?"

"I want to resign being a ninja and leave the village," "WHAT?!?!"

Tsunade lectures Naruto and Naruto listened intently, he needed to know what was wrong with his request for requesting time off as a ninja, he needs to know and he needs a reason that's plausible.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous that would be for you! Naruto you can die if you end up in the wrong location at the wrong time! Why do you want to resign begin somewhere safe?!" Tsunade shouted as she stood up from her chair, Naruto looked down before heaving a sigh that held his frustrations as much as his sadness.

"I'm not making any progress here Tsunade-hime, I'm not making progress with my friends because I'm disappointed that the girl I had loved loves somebody else, I'm not making progress with training because the only one who can handle my onslaughter of attacks is training my traitor brother, I'm not making any progress with love because I never thought to be infatuated with anybody else." Naruto lists his reasonings quietly, thoughtlessly, despondently, and Tsunade listened with guilt and understanding, and when she thought he was done he said this, "I want to find love that was not given to me because I saved someone, I want it because they were infatuated with me as I was with them." Naruto looked at her with a type of hunger- no that's not right, he looked at her with a desperation that she knew couldn't be filled by his friends and hypothetically family.

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