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Doctor: *Comes out* Who's here for Julianna?

Carson's POV-
I stood up with a few others.. I hugged Hayley & Gave her a piggyback ride to Annie's room... I then left so Hayley could have some sister time since Annie hasn't waking up.. and Hayley is one way to wake her

No ones POV-

Hayley: Annie... Please big sis... I don't wanna lose you like I lost Caleb..
Annie: *Eyes open* I won't leave you just yet Hayley...
Hayley: ANNIE!! *Gets a doctor* Doctor! An- Julianna's awake
Doctor: Okay *Walks to Annie's room* Pease wait!
Hayley: Okay

Hayley: *Sits with the others*
Carson: Is she awake?
Hayley: Yes.. Just the doctor what's to do something

In Annie's room

Doctor: *Shuts the door* Julianna I'd like to do some tests
Annie: Okay...
Doctor: It's just to see if you remember some stuff
Annie: Yes.. Of course
Doctor: Who passed away in your family?
Annie: My brother & Dad
Doctor: How did you end up in hospital?
Annie: I.. Do I start from the start?
Doctor: If you like...
Annie: I.. I was on my way to school... I got half way down the street when I bumped into two guys, Hayden & Connor.. the said some nice stuff... I guess... And one of them grabbed me... Made me turn around... made me watch the guy I like kiss my Enemy.. *Explains The rest* I ran across the road to Talk to him... To tell him why I kissed someone.. but I was hit by a Truck...
Doctor: Okay.. that sound about right from what I was told by Uh.. I guy name Johnny?
Annie: O..Okay..
Doctor: Would you like to speak to anyone?
Annie: Yes...
Doctor: Who?
Annie: Carson Lueders.. Please...
Doctor: Of course.. I'll get him *Walks out*

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