Chapter 23: Goodbye James

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I went to the park with James and we were sitting on the seesaw.

We were talking about One Direction, and Nash Grier.

"Nash is so cute! His eyes are beautiful!"

James playfully rolled his eyes.

"OMG his blue eyes are pretty!" James imitated a valley girl.

I laughed.

"I want to meet him so bad! And Hayes and his sister!"

"Stop talking about Nash and vine!"

"Then what do you want to talk about?"

"Do you still think I'm an insanely cute guy?"


While I did I heard Avia, Emmi, and Dad laughing and giggling.

"What's so funny?" Mom peered from the kitchen door.

"You told Dad I was blushing while talking to that insanely cute guy?!" I blurted/yelled.

I covered my mouth.

Mom started laughing.

OMG I have made a really big mistake. Oops.

I heard Dad, Avia, and Emmi laughing so hard.

"Cute guy? What insanely cute guy?" Gavin came running in.

I face palmed myself.

"Cute guy! Cute guy!" Brock ran in jumping.

~End of Flashback~

"Please don't bring that up." I covered my face with my sleeves.

"It's getting late, I will walk you home."

We got off the sea saw and walked.

"Hey," I said.


"I'm moving.."

He looked at me in surprise.

"You are? Where?"

"Idaho. I don't know if we will be coming back. But we will be visiting L.A."

"When are you moving?" James asked in curiosity.

"This week I think."

James asked me a bunch of questions until we arrived in front of my house.

"Okay. Well we won't be seeing each other for a while."

"Yeah." James frowned.

"I had a great time hanging out with you."

"Yeah I had an awesome time. Lets keep in touch."

I nodded.

"Goodbye James."

I turned to open the gate.

James grabbed my arm and turned me.

He held my waist pulled me close to him.

He kissed me.

After a few seconds he pulled back.

He stroke my cheek. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

"Goodbye Jewel." He walked backwards and waved goodbye.

I slowly waved back.

I was too shocked. I could only think about the kiss.

I walked in my house.

"Hi Jewel!" Emmi said.

I walked past her.

"Why are you ignoring Emmi?! You're so rude, Jewel!" Avia said.

I ignored her. I went to my room and flopped on my bed.

I can't think of anything around me. Only the kiss.

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