Chapter 8

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Thank you for 1k *uwwwwu*


Please.... please stay with me...

I run inside the house with her limp in my arms, I run into the dorm infirmary where Hoseok jumps from his desk as I bust through the door
[Hoseoks a doctor]

"J-Jeon jungkook!! What are you doing!?"

Without hearing the elder yell at me I dash to the infirmary table where I lay her lifeless body down

"I'm so sorry... I- I'm so so sorry"

I move her wet hair out of her face and kiss her lips as it might be my last time

I turn to Hoseok who looks like he's broken into a cold sweat

"Jungkook wh- what are you doing? Who is this!?"

"Hyung. She's my girlfriend I don't now what happened to her, she started shaking and now she's not breathing"

He turns around and runs to his pristine white cabinets and grabs a stethoscope

"Give me a name"

It takes me a second to comprehend what he's saying


He gives me a re-assuring smile and moves his red hair out of the way

"Ok Y/N.... my names Hoseok, jungkook here has brought you to the infirmary, mind to tell me what happened Y/N?"

Hoseok is...special, he can hear beyond.

Heading beyond means when someone is in-knowingly unconscious or is unable to speak, he can speak outloud and if the person responds in their head, he can hear them

But he's not in their head meaning he can't talk back to them with his consciousness

"Ah ok, I see. Jungkook bit you? And you don't know what's happening..."

My stomach sinks and my heart goes with it

Hoseok takes out a flashlight and opens her eyes and examines her eyes dilate,

He takes off the stethoscope and turns to me

"Run to the kitchen, don't let anyone see you
Just grab cold water and a wash rag"

I nod quickly and sprint to the kitchen, luckily no one was there

I take the time of being alone and rush to get cold water and a rag

"In hurry kook?"

I yell at the voice and turn around and see a blonde haired man

"A-ah yoongi Hyung! Nope just getting cold water I- I have cramps!"

I mentally curse at the pitiful lie

Cramps seriously!?

He gives me a squinted stare and just shrugs

And then he walks past me into the studio hall

I breathe out in relief


I grab the bowl and towel and run back to the infirmary where the love of my life lays pretty much dead...

I walk in and Hoseok is there with his lips against hers

Is he...

Then his lips leave hers and he pushes on her chest"

I breathe

"Don't just stand there jungkook..."


I run over and he takes the rag and dips it into the cold water

He takes the rag and covers her entire face

"Now, we wait..."

He turns and looks at me in my eyes and gives me a warm of re-assuring smile

"Wait for what Hyung?"

Just then she gasps
And hurdles over clutching her chest, the rag falling off her white face

"Welcome back Y/N!"
Hoseok chirps

My body instantly lunges toward her and engulfing her into a hug, without knowing I feel wet tears fall down my face


"Jungkook.... I hate you so much"

AN: well this was a fun chapter sad it had to end here but this is where the book ends tha- jk lol

"I hate you so m-much"
She cried into my shoulder beatheing heavily as Hoseok rubbed soft circles on her back clutching onto me tightly

She removed her hands and lifted my tear stained head, I smiled as tears kept rolling down my face

"Don't cry lunatic... you look ugly when you cry"

She laughed and wiped my tears, which only made me cry more

"I-I was s-so scared"

She just smiled and kissed my lips

I instantly kissed back, holding her face into my hands, the kiss was soft, like I'm afraid to hurt her

I pulled away and looked at the one I love, the one I almost lost, the one I want to have forever...

The one who died in my arms

The one who I plan to marry...

AN: this books ending soon omg

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