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Taymar pov~ I was at home watching tv while the tain hit the windows and ran down the windows my mom was gone off to work so i was by my self i heared my phone from the kitchen island where i left it i went to the kitchen and cheecked it it was a yect from nahmir asking could i come over he said alexus was gonna be over there i i actually do like her to be honest i do have fellings for her when she sat on my lap today o my god that has never happened before i put my jordans on and waited for jay to come pick me up i put my hoddie on and put my hood on i left a note for my mom telling her where i had went jay came and i got in the car then we went to go get Alexus danell jaylynn and larri i was on my phone when someone snuck a pitcher offme i looked up and saw danell laughing then i saw alexus trying to laugh but did not her eyes where red because she wanted to laugh so i just left it alone then everyone in the car started laughing i went to instagram and looked on Alexus story it was a piture of me then i started laughing welp cant do nothing about it now we got to nick house and it started thundering man i was kinda scared but i did not show it i knocked on the door and nick came to the door and opened the door i ran to the couch anf laid down and everyone came to the couch and we ate popcorn and watched scary movies hours later everyone went home i had basketball practice i was at home my mom was cooking and i was in my room laying across my bed just laying there in the dark as my phone keept on ding and dinging my mom said dinner was done i told her i was not hungry and she asked me could i come down and try to eat so i sat at the table with her but did not tuch my food
Mom-look sweety i know how you arre feeling but he is gonna get out soon
Taymar-that is my brother mom and all i want to do is go see him when i was un jail yall came and saw me my friends came so how coome we cant go see him
Mom-sweety we all want to see him but..
Taymar-but what
Mom-we cant
Mom-i don't want to talk about this
Taymar-why mom why
Taymar-and you did not bother to tell me this
Mom-i was going to but i....
Taymar-what did you do
Mom-i sent him to juvi
Taymar-mom you know how much i miss my brother the only one i had actually and you know how bad i wanted to see him bust you fucked it up
Mom-taymar-dont use those words and the only reason i did it is because that nigga was just gonna get you into trouble
Taymar-mom dont talk to dont call me either k
Taymar-i am going to nicks house and i will come back when i feel like it
I walked up to my room mad felling like i wanted to punch something i got my nike bag and put me some clothes in their i got my charger and my phone my back pack my shoes and my pick i sat on my bed and called nick
Call convo
Nick-wassup bro
Taymar-i need to ask you a huge favor
Taymar-can i stay with you just for a little bit
Nick-yah you family my mom just left on a business trip so of course
Taymar-thank you brother
Nick-whats going on at your house
Taymar-my brother got out of jail
Nick-thats great
Taymar-but my mom sent him to juvi because she did not want him to be around me
Nick-bro that mest up
Taymar-i know but i am on my way now
I got all my stuff and walked down stairs my mom tried to stop me from walking out the door but i kept walking out on her i got into an uber and went to nicks house i got there and the door was unlocked it was dark nick was down stairs with danell what a great surprise jay and jaylynn was in the kitchen and alexus was in the dineing room with larri they all looked up at me and huged me well jay and nick did not we did the hand shake i went to the bathroom just to breath we all went in the living room and we watched mobies i got a phine call from an unknown number i answered it and and put it on speaker
Unknown number
??-hey this yo brother taymar
Taymar- o my god
Brothrr-you know i miss you right
Taymar-i miss you too*wipes his eyes*
Nick-this nigga crying
Tayamr-shut up nahmir
Brother-oh thrre go my nigga wassup nahmir
Brother-let me guse jay there too??
Jay-you all ready no it
Brother-bro i miss yall
Alexus-aww taymar dont cry
Nick-oh bro these is our friends who are girls
Danell-hi my name is danell
Brother-you dat cash me outside girl right
Brother-yo music is fire
Danell-thank you
Alexus-wassup my name is alexus
Brother-hi alexus
Jaylynn-my name is jaylynn
Brother-hi jaymynn
Larri-my name is larri
Brother-you that youtuber yah they be watching your videos over here in juvi
Brother-it was great meeting yall
Girls- you too
Brother-it was grrat talking to my brother agin
Taymar-you too
Brother-it was great talking to my friends
Jay&nick-you too
Brother-well i will talk to yall in the morning bye taymar love you*no homo*
Tayamr-byeove you too*no homo*
He hung up the phone and i started crying lite bit alexus hugged me i missed my brother so much and i just want to see him alexus dried my eyes and they all told me it was going to be ok i went up to the guse bedroom and laid in the bed alexus joind me

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