Chapter 13

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Acouple of days had passed and we were on our way to Seattle. It was the 8th of October and I had so far done 3 signings, two in canada and one in Boston. It had been incredible. I had never in a million years imagined so many people to show up, and so many people actually having read my books. Eli had stood besides me on every day, through a lot of hours of signing things and taking pictures. He had even offered to be my photographer for the trip and John had instantly asked him how much he wanted to get paid for the job because John was getting tired of telling people to say "Cheese", to which Eli had answered "Well a coffee every second hour would be nice." and I had found him even more attractive than before, as if it was possible. We had spent so much time together, we started acting like each other. Even John had pointed it out.

Now we were coming to Seattle and I took the opportunity to call up some old friends and the first thing I saw when we got to the hotel was a huge white school bus and I knew my friends had arrived.

I couldn't wait to get out of the car, and Eli seemed to notice.

"What's the rush?"
"They're here." I said and got butterflies in my stomach, I hadn't seen them since... well since they left England about 4 years ago. Our driver stopped the car at the parkinglot and I jumped out, running over to the school bus just to see that it was empty. I took a deep breath and felt the disappointment coming at me, but that's when I heard a familiar voice behind me,

"The food is real great here, don't you think?" and I turned around. There they were, Louis and Tin. Louis dressed in a pair of chinos as usual and a hawaiian shirt under his winter jacket, the saying that all gays have great fashion sence did not apply to Louis. Tin on the other hand was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and had his hands filled with food. They both looked up towards the bus and saw me standing there. Tin almost dropped the food.

"Is it?" Louis said, and Tin answered him,
"It is!" then they came running over to me. I jumped into Louis's arms, hugging him tighter than I would have imagined I could. He almost didn't want to let go of me, but he did and I hugged Tin too, him kissing me on the cheek.

"I can't believe this." I said and looked at both of them, they looked so incredibly well!
"Neither can we. It's been too long, We need to have dinner, catch up and all that." Tin said and Louis agreed, so did I.

"Of course, I don't have any tour business for a couple of days, we should do something."
"Definitely. And who is this?" Louis asked as Eli came over to me, looking quite confused.

"Hi,I'm Eli. I am-"
"He's just my photographer on the tour." I interrupted him and I felt him give me a look I did not want to get from him, but how could I tell these two that I had brought along a friend I was hot for on a tour throughout Canada and America without them thinking the worst? I couldn't.
"And Eli, this is Louis and Tin."
"We're the best friends." Tin said as they shook Eli's hand.
"Oh, it's nice to meet you." Louis was really checking in Eli, and Tin noticed.

"Dude, I'm right here." He said and I laughed,
"Don't worry, Tin. Eli is straight. Or atleast I think so..." I looked up at Eli, whom was trying to not look at me,
"Yeah, yeah I am. Are you two...together?"
"That we are. Thanks to Stella here actually. It's the funniest story, and we shall tell it over dinner. You guys up for that?" They had now invited both myself and Eli, so they knew something was going on.

"I'm up for that." Eli said and I agreed, of course we were. But first, we checked in to the hotel and I went to take a shower. I took on a pair of blue jeans with a high waist, a yellow t-shirt and a pair of knee high boots.

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