Village Square

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(Hey guys thanks for the continued reading. Let me know what you think!)


  "Mom are you crazy?!" How can we trust Shadow?" Sonic said surprised about his mom's idea. "We are going to need all the help we can get Sonic." She said gravely. "Even if that means people we can't trust." Sonic started thinking. "Mom, we don't even know where he lives let alone how to get him to help us." "I have a plan." She said smirking. "If we can't find him then let him find us." "What?" Sonic said. "Here just follow me." She said. Sonic got up and followed her. "Where are we going?" He asked her. "We are going to town square." She said looking ahead. Sonic thought to himself, "why would mom be going to town square right now?" He didn't ask  her why and kept following. "Alright son we are here." She said looking around. The town was busy as always with streets full of people trying to get from one place to the next. She climbs atop a nearby bench and whistles with her two fingers, grabbing the attention of everyone. "What are you doing Mom?" Sonic asked puzzled. "Watch and listen." She says. "Hello everyone, my name is Villeta Lee Hedgehog and I'm here today to challenge a foe who is to coward to face my son. My son, Sonic, challenges you, Shadow, to a battle this afternoon. Come if you want to be defeated." She stepped off the bench people started murmuring between themselves before they left. "Mom, why would I want to fight Shadow? I'm not afraid or anything but it's really not the top thing on my list of things to do right now." "I know honey", she said. " but trust me on this okay. If I'm right Shadow will come and face you, then we can talk to him then about helping us." "So he just so  happens to decide to join our side?" Sonic said  sarcasticly. "Piece of cake." "Let us not think of how hard it will be ." Villeta said looking across the horizon. "Hope is the ultimate weapon to lead you to the path of victory." Sonic looked at the horizon as well, taking in the beauty within the fine colors of the sky. "I have a feeling Eggman won't pass up this opportunity to strike and catch two powerful hedghogs." Sonic said with no facial expression. "Yes I think he will try to, but at least that will give us proof to our argument for Shadow to join us." She said nodding. " Plus now we have to be prepared for Eggman's robots....I'm sure Tails has made some kinks for Eggman of course." "Not willingly." Sonic said sadly. " I know and that is what I fear the most.....what he is doing to Tails...." "Tails can keep up his game mom, he won't let Eggman come within five feet of him." Sonic said correcting his mother. "Sonic sit down here in the grass here for a moment." Villeta said sorrowfully. Sonic walked over and sat next to his mom. "Sonic.... I want you to be prepared for the worst Eggman---" "Mom, I understand but Tails can hold his ground." "I understand Sonic but he isn't you, to much pressure and suffering will do him in a number. All I'm saying is I don't want you to be hurt if the worst happens." "The worst won't happen Mom. I made Tails a promise.....and I intend to keep it." "Villeta looked back at the horizon. "You have your father's confidence Sonic. A trait I wish I could of obtained. Your father always saw the positive side of things...." Mom you never talk about dad!" Sonic asked alarmingly. He saw his chance to extract information though and continued. "How did he die?" "Your father was a brave Hedgehog Sonic. The night before your 4th birthday he had gone out and bought you some balloons for your birthday. When he got back home....." Villeta cringed. "He was covered in blood and said that we had to go ......."
"Villeta get Sonic now. We need to leave." " Oh my God,What happened to you out there!?" " No time to explain Villeta, we need to leave now!" Villeta started packing her things. "No forget about those things we can buy new things." He said. There was a loud bang on door splintering the wood. "Come out here hedgehog I know your in there." "Villeta I need you to take Sonic and go out the back. Here is some money, make sure to get as far away from here as possible. I love you Villeta. Keep our son go." Villeta runs out the back door and into the woods. She fummbles a little bit on twigs and stones. She looks back to see the house *Kablam!* She runs on crying.
*End of Flashback*
Sonic looks at the ground. "Your father sacrificed himself for me to escape with you.  And you know who killed him? Eggman's damn grandfather." She looked at the ground teary eyed. "So Sonic I'm just warning you Eggman is from this line of evil and who knows what evil things he will do. Just be ready for the worst." She finished with a sigh. "Okay Mom." Sonic said coldly. Sonic looked onto the blue ocean. "My little fox is out there all alone with no one to comfort him." Sonic thought to himself. Sonic again thought about the kiss. "His lips were so soft." Sonic blushed at the thought. He went back to looking at the horizon. "Tails we are coming for you."

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