What Now

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Eren smiled at the message and quickly typed back. 

Thank you! I owe you one <3

Slipping the phone back into his pocket and turning his attention back to Levi he sipped his hot chocolate and admired. Who would have thought they both awkwardly loved each other, well, as far as they knew. They're going to have to figure themselves out before things go too far for false emotions. Eren finished his drink and moved to place the cup in the sink next to Levi's. Eren shuffled over to Levi and wrapped his arms around him from behind. Levi paused and leaned back into the taller male a little sighing happily. He dropped the cleaning cloth on the counter and placed his hands on top of Eren's. They stood like this for a few seconds before Levi moved his head to investigate the sink. A cold glare making its way to the surface of his being.

"You going to clean that Brat?" Eren paused and buried his face into Levi's nape trying to hide knowing exactly what Levi was referring to.

"You didn't wash yours..." He whined slightly irritating his new partner.

Levi turned his head to try and get a better look at his lovely Brat. With a fake over exaggerated smile and happy faux tone he said, "Difference is, I will wash my cup, you on the other hand aren't the cleanest." 

"I am clean!" Eren spat back. Levi simply raised an eyebrow and Eren moaned in defeat, mumbling inaudible words as he walked to the sink again slouching. He picked up the mugs and began washing them. "My room doesn't count...." was the last thing he said before finishing up the dishes with his child like moodiness in place. Levi smirked while nodding, and a victorious one at that. He wandered through to the living room and sat down picking up his book as usual and began to read about the 'Titans' whatever they actually were.

'How does Hange come up with this stuff? She really is mad' was all he thought when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his shoulders and hands resting on his chest from above and behind. Eren leaned down and looked at the book trying to read it but lost interest quickly. He moved around to sit next to Levi and placed an arm over and around his shoulder sheepishly. Afraid to cross any boundaries. Thankfully though, Levi leaned into it and hmm'd happily. 

"So, what now?" Were the first words to break the serene silence they were sharing.

"I don't fucking know Brat. I'm not a fucking professional in 'amusing your shitty brat' now am I?" Both of them burst into a giggle fit at that and once settled Eren continued.

"You reading the book again? Can you tell me something about it?" Eren found himself genuinely curious not that he was ever going to read it, but he still wanted to know.

"About titans or some shit. I've told you this already before, it's good, it's by Hange but shit it is dark." Levi stared at the pages he was opened at... he skimmed the lines and something clicked inside him. "Are you sure you haven't read this?"

"I'm sorry did you just ask if I read a book?" Eren wasn't the type to read in order to pass the time. He would call his friends or play games.

"Dumb question I know but this book mentions a character know as 'Humanities Strongest'. Maybe you read a part and it's made its way to your dreams? And it's got a lot of killing and shit, so I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if it gave you nightmares." Eren took the book out of Levi's hand and gave a few sentences a quick read.

"I've definitely not read this but that is pretty weird. Titans seems familiar."

Levi was zoned out staring at Eren now. His mind was running through things and Eren was waving his hand in front of his new boyfriend's face. "Helloooooo?" 

'It just doesn't make sense? Or does it?' Levi was now biting on his lip and thinking furiously.

"Levi?" Eren called but no response.

'Captain?' was all Levi was hearing. Still out of it.

"Levi!?" Eren took him by the shoulders "Hey snap out of it?"


Levi sighed. "Yes Brat what is it? Can't you see I'm busy." Eren froze not sure what to say now.

"Sorry Sir. You just seemed a little out of it." Eren's mouth twitched and formed a smile as he rest his head on Levi's lap while looking up at him. Levi moved his hand to play with Eren's soft chocolate brown hair, twirling sections of it with his fingers.

"No one's around Brat, you can call me Levi remember." Levi returned the smile as he got lost in Eren's enchanting eyes. 

"Yes Levi." Eren missed this. They just came back from their most recent expedition beyond the walls and had just finished healing. Levi told the other scouts to clean up HQ as it was a mess like he predicted. Since the carriage ride back Levi held onto Eren and made sure to keep him close by. After a while Eren sat up and stared into his beloved Captain's eyes, losing himself in the glistening grey that could only be compared to a new night sky, stars sparkling within them.

Levi gently took hold of Eren's jacket and swiftly pulled him closer before pausing a second. "I love you Brat" he continued pulling Eren towards him until their lips touched. It was sweet and filled with love and Levi wanted to stay like this with the boy a little longer.

He pulled back to see a blushing Eren, face a deep red, staring at him with wide eyes. 'Did I just-...!' Levi panicked. He wasn't aware of what he did until he did it. He wasn't dreaming. He just kissed Eren and shocked him into silence... Which he wouldn't mind getting used to but now was not the time to joke. "Eren I-" Levi was cut off when he was pushed back onto the couch and their lips made contact again. Filled with a small amount of passion and they parted their lips slightly to deepen it a tiny amount so that both parties were comfortable. Eren pulled away and was now leaning over his roommate smiling like an idiot still blushing like crazy giggling at Levi's now stunned expression.

"I love you too Levi!"

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